
I saw it as it already came out here in Australia. Truly incredible. Y'all are not prepared by how simultaneously delightful and devastating this film is. Do not miss Robot Dreams.


Officially one of my favorite films of all time. Everyone needs to see this beautiful work of heART.


You wont cry in the theater. This film is a very effective exploration of the lose of a valued relationship, but no tragedy occurs. Characters make mistakes, but it's never directly anyone's fault. 

I love this movie because there is never one point here where an error occurs,  Sometimes people who love one another drift away, and no amount of effort can bring them together again.


Saw it in NYC at the director special screening.  I absolutely loved it.  Living in NYC and seeing NYC represented in such a positive way with all the atmosphere and with everything that people do in the city.  I love this film and I love this city.


So glad I got to catch one of the sneak preview screenings last month. It's genuinely one of the best animated films I've ever seen, and I can't wait to see it again!


I like how they keep the more emotional scenes a suprise.


I loved this so much. It depicts friendship and love in such a caring way, and the ending is very fair. You know that everything is going to be ok.


i remember getting the graphic novel back in 2007. and wow it’s now a movie. congrats Sara!


I just saw it in theaters and I was crying so intensely next to my friend. The musical cues and call backs. Damn, it really had me in a vicehold


100% reccomend! Lovely animation, simple, but clean and full of personal touches, and really really touching story <3


I'm not usually one to cry at movies, but the ending to this one just destroyed me. And here I was thinking LA LA Lands ending was bittersweet!


just happened to stumble across it on Hulu! I saw it and I couldn't believe they made a graphic novel I used to read as a kid a movie! The animation In this movie Is so captivating! and the story is amazing. wish I would have been able to watch it in theaters


Saw it on Hulu with Disney+ and it’s so good yet heartbreaking! 💔 I’m in love with this adorable indie animation.


Am I going to cry in the theatres? Yes. Am I mad about it? HELL NO


The animation and story telling is lovely. A lot of times I caught myself laughing at some of the small jokes and details. Glad YouTube recommended it to me. Great film!


Anyone that hasn't seen this movie, this is well worth the watch!


Thank you for not including spoilers unlike the other trailers.


I watched this movie right before my long distance relationship ended. Needless to say, I couldn’t have watched it at a better time.


Oh no. No no. I see the robot rusting. I already know how this will end. Double the size of my heart and then break it.


The book used to be one of my absolute favorites back in elementary school! Never have I ever expected this to be turned into a movie and it's actually so good! Obviously there was a lot more added into the movie then there was in the book but I think that helped a lot in making this movie as good and reliable as it is! Made me tear up in a few parts. A perfect adaptation❤