I just wish they'd stop fucking up so royally. How can they be so tone deaf
Oh, the irony of them claiming this change was in the sake of “realism” only for it to come out looking like this. Is the whole dev team at arrowhead smoking crack?
Arrowhead devs are basically corrupt politicians at this point, doing the opposite of what they say and ignoring what the community says. They also don't even play above difficulty 5
Imagine sitting on a game that could literally print several million dollars from thin air every month and totally fucking oit up with such regularity and expertisr. Its like they want it to bomb
nerfing weapons like its a pvp game ffs
Liar developers and shit excuses since the release. Tired of it, switched to other games, waiting for spacemarine 2
0:25 this is peak arrowhead 😂😂
Getting nerfs with a hyped content update is like biting into a decadent chocolate cake only to find bits of eggshell. It doesn’t matter if the cake was made with the finest Belgian cocoa and the creamiest ingredients—the only thing diners will remember is the unpleasant crunch that ruined their experience because the chef wasn’t careful.
As a serial Terminid burner, burning myself after all these nerfs doesn't actually sound too bad.
I love how your video moved from “who made these detail need a raise” and unironic “they care about realism” to a complaint on the game to adapt with the trend online in few days.
Okay, I didn’t even know the range was so short it actually burns you in a blizzard. That is hilariously awful.
Dudes mad that his flame throwing blows back at him in a blizzard. Get over it. This update hasn’t stopped me at all from burning bugs
Helldivers? more like lamedivers
the old animation was so cool the new one just looks like any other flamethrower animation
Man I really thought this game would survive longer
i'm not even sub to this guy and youtube just notify every single post of this guy?
The blizzard thing is actually interesting because that means the wind moves the fire.
Dude a love all these wee funny videos, started with dying light where i found you a good couple years back & love that you still do the same
lmao You’re literally using two different flamethrowers to prove your point and you’re blowing into the wind on that ice planet, which would set you on fire before the patch. 😂😂😂