Tips on why to use Back kick : to destroy galaxies and to destroy the opponents life.
Back kick always GOATED🐐
Bro is the salesman except he back kicks the bread
Squid games vs back kick
I agree with most (I know this is generally karate, but I train taekwondo so it’s different) I say Most useful-Roundhouse: easy to replicate, fast, you can vary height to confuse, and is the backbone of almost every other kick(tornado, double, skipping kick, etc) Most flashy-definitely personal, but I think it’s Backflip Kick (yea you do a backflip and kick upwards while upside down it’s awesome) Edit Same with best looking, definitely personal. I like the one where you chain lots of tornado kicks together and than finish with a 540 roundhouse
"I do not fear a man who does 10,000 kicks once, but I fear a man who does 1 kick 10,000 times." This man does 10,000 kicks 10,000 times.
We're becoming Karate salesman's with this one
Roundhouse low and back kicks are my favourite
I love them all 👏👏🤩🤩🥋🥋 Thanks for sharing Nat , I will study hard 👊👊🥺🥺
We back kicking the salesman with this one🦵🦵
Dropkick---visitor to heaven
EXACTLY keep working hard nat, you’re amazing
Low kick and front kick💪🗿
Really liked the music on this one.
nat ur the goat, never stop what you do!
Plot twist: Bro is the salesman, but back kicks whoever takes the bread
I'm South Korean. Seeing this made me think I should hit the Salesman expression before sparring
Low&front kicks are the most effective Round house&back kicks are the fastest
540 and side kick look the coolest to me. The spin is awesome and the side looks powerful.