
I find my life to be much better when I dont care what women think


Most of my counsins and an uncle got destroyed by divorces.  Smart men learn from other's mistakes.


Never listen to a woman about relationships. Women are notorious for saying one opinion and doing the opposite. Always look at what women do, never what they say.


'She's not yours, it's just your turn.' When you realize how many turns were had before you and you decide to sit this one out.


I was born in 1981. I never imagined things would be this bad between men and women by the time I became 40.


No wife = happy life


My neighbor’s son is 30, works in a factory, gets stoned and plays video games everyday.  Good looking fella.  Has zero desire to date.  Has his own place, gets paid for his unused vacation.  Finally his mom confronted him about his sitch.  He said he’s gonna retire at 50, travel, and get stoned everyday.


Housing prices: way up.
Cost to raise a child: way up.
Women: tough and independent.
Women's standards for men..... way up?  How does THAT work?


21 year old girl at work with a body count of 16. And she is MID on her best day.

We're doomed.


Nowadays, a woman sleeping with zero men in 1,000 hours would be a real accomplishment.


No point hanging around where you’re not wanted as yourself.


I'm 49 now and looking back I realize that 95% of my life used to revolve around doing whatever it took to get laid and attract women. I am so grateful that my libido has finally calmed down and I can enjoy some peace of mind without them in my life, the amount of emotional abuse and manipulation we are willing to put up with just for a piece of ass, sheesh.


If they want men to marry, change the laws to benefit men. Make marriage a benefit to men and stop rewarding women for divorce.


I have no idea how many men my ex-wife was with before me. I know this, I worked hard, did 900 hours of overtime for 4 consecutive years, I kept the house clean, did laundry, landscaped, and worked every free weekend on a project. I was an attentive father and I routinely planned romantic dates and gifts.

Still, she cheated. I got all the excuses and most of the blame.

That broke my heart and it broke me in half. I love our sons, but getting married was a giant mistake. I was never loved. I was never respected. I was never valued.


My grandmother was a VIRGIN when she married my grandfather, my mother was a VIRGIN when she married my father they told me you do not marry a woman with another man's child and you do not marry a woman that slept with another man before she met you.


When I was in high school every man I knew wanted a chaste woman. When we found out we likely wouldn't find one many of us lost interest. Women really underestimated how valuable chastity is to men, especially with how much more we understand women.


Think of it this way, no sex, no diseases that keep on giving


I've been single for 22 years...best time of my life. Feminism has given men the needed perspective that "modern day women" are a nothing more than a massive burden. Stay single, my friends.


After 28 years of marriage, I finally did what she asked and left, I was tired of being told I was the reason she was unhappy.  Now I have peace and quite and am doing just fine, while she is calling crying and asking why did I leave.......   Too boot, she cheated, but I stayed with her for the kids, but now that they are grown, no more.  I don't need it.  I have a tiny little home, basically a cottage, with a big yard and I look forward to landscaping it and having a garden and to sit on my porch and drink my coffee or beer depending on the time of day.  At 64, I don't want to get into a relationship, I don't want to deal with the baggage of a woman who has kids that need to be raised or even worse, bailed out all the time, and of course I would have to pony up my money to save the loser... no thanks, it's me, my dog, my God and my friends.


When every adult male in my life growing up specifically told me not to get married, including my own father, I believed them.