
I have Parkinson and Cancer I can't treat the cancer because of the Parkinson. Every day I tell others about a love that keeps me going. Jesus gives me the strength to share His amazing love.


Choose Him friend! Just verbally say it out loud! ♥️🙏


I was Literally at the entrance to hell when Jesus saved me.
I am ex athiest. I used to mock christians and say it was all just a fairy tale to help people die in peace. Until i overdosed and stood before Jesus. His face is as bright as the sun. I couldnt see any details of his face but i could see his arms were held out like to hug me and they were a dark tan color, not white or black. Which makes sence remembering he came as a Jew in the middle east desert!! When he held out his arms the light got brighter and i felt so much love and peace and raw power that i cant even find the right words to describe them. Jesus is God in the flesh. God is a trinity. All power the father has Jesus also has. He has existed with the father since before the earths creation. The very last thing i remember was looking down to see a dark pit. Like a black hole it was so dark. I started to fall down into it, the second i felt myself starting to fall i looked back up to see Jesus one last time. All i could see was his hand reaching down waiting for me to grab it. The second i grabbed his hand i woke up back in my room in the spot i just overdosed in except that i was sober when i came back. It is Not possible to hallucinate your way Out of an overdose. Jesus saved me from the Pit and now i am a fisher of men.


Pls help me to accept Jesus Christ, I'm here in the Philippines


This message is still alive. 
Who is with 2024 here. 
God bless and heal you ,yes you reading this message. 

God loves and don't look on your past but at what Jesus has done for us.


I have nasopharyngeal cancer (brain cancer) and I’m so so sorry for not being the person I should have. Oh lord have mercy on me and my soul.


Heavenly Father, right now, I lift up everyone watching this video. May Your peace just wash over them, chasing away all fear and worry. Give them the courage they need to face whatever comes their way, and fill them with hope to keep moving forward. Guide them towards all the good things You've got planned for them. Be with them always. Amen


Life is short
Death is certain
Eternity is a long time!


Lord! Please I beg You to heal my sister from stomach cancer stage 3. You healed me and my wife before please Lord heal my sister in Jesus name. Amen!


I became a believer in Christ, as a child, in 1966, when I saw Billy Graham preaching on TV. I went outside and knelt down before the setting sun and accepted the Way, the Truth and the Life. Forgive me, Dear Lord, for not always living for you.  Thank You for never leaving me.


God is right here. Who’s reading this, God bless you , stay safe and have a wonderful day.❤


Lord forgive me for being lazy and a procrastinator. I need you Jesus, to strengthen and encourage me.


I feel like we are currently fighting to keep earth alive.


Thank God i always tune on this channel because its my greatest motivation that never made me give up on my financial struggles


When you get over 60 you start looking forward to GOING TO HEAVEN TO BE WITH FATHER IN HEAVEN..REELFOOT LAKE TENNESSEE 🙏


I'm  blessed only God knows how much I praise Him, $80k every 4weeks! I now have a good house and can now afford anything and also support my family


We here 2025!! 🙌


Billy was a great man of God - he is shining now in heaven !!!


Billy is a gift on this earth. He is a conduit for Gods glory and a beautiful soul who walked this Earth. Thank you sir for doing the Lords work🩷


I spoke about the same verse at my dad's funeral. It's time for people to take up their cross and follow Jesus.