
I don't usually comment but wanted to share that apple cider vinegar applied daily to both skin tags and warts will cause it to lift off the skin. If u are consistent with it, it will quickly get to the point where there is just a tiny bit of it still attached and you can just pull it off. I really hope this helps someone.


I developed skin tags for the first time while grieving the death of my husband. You are the first doctor to ever mention the link between the two. THANK YOU !!!


My wife struggled with planters warts on the bottom of her feet(1 on each foot). They caused her a lot of pain. We tried many things with no results. I stumbled across your older video while looking for a cure. I went and got the iodine and garlic. It took about a month but they are gone and have been for over a year now. We can't thank you enough


BTW...as an experiment, I've been using coconut oil on my three warts I've had for years.  One has gone after 1 week.  Another is almost gone and one on my leg is a bit better.
I started using this instead of the moisturizing creams that you warned about earlier; all those petroleum products!


We used your advice a while back with our daughter. Iodine and garlic completely wiped out her warts, and she had quite a few.


Dr. Berg you are a treasure to humanity.


It works. 
Dime sized, tried black salve which did not work.
Used the fresh garlic and iodine, overnight for three days. Still was there, then forgot about it and about a month later realized it was gone!
Aldo did it on another "blemish" with the same result. 


My daughter had a plantar wart and I used oregano oil with some coconut oil on a piece of cotton covered with a bandaid. We put this on right at bedtime. Within a few weeks, it was completely gone.


00:01 Learn how to remove skin tags and warts overnight.
00:48 Skin tags and warts are benign tumors with no tendency to turn malignant.
01:43 Excessive estrogen is linked to insulin resistance and diabetes
02:43 HPV can cause cervical cancer, affecting the immune system
03:47 Nutrient deficiencies and chronic inflammation can contribute to skin tags and warts.
04:52 Using iodine and garlic to remove skin tags and warts
05:46 AHCC is a natural remedy that significantly increases the potency of natural killer cells to clear out HPV
06:49 Combination of iodine, garlic, and AHCC to remove skin tags and warts and strengthen immune system.


The world needs more people like dr Berg! Lets make the world a better place.


Thank you for sharing this! My doctor burned off a skin tag on my neck that was getting irritated from clothing. He told me it was no big deal, caused by a strain of HPV and almost everyone has it. But then I recently learned it’s from insulin resistance. So good to know my doctor wasn’t completely wrong but wish he told me more about the insulin resistance. I’m now doing low carb diet.


I had a plantar wart on my foot which was very deep and painful. I tried all the regular methods which did not work.
I came across a study out of Iraq which showed that low zinc levels were a problem. I started taking zinc gummies and the thing just disappeared with no sign that it had been there.
I also tried the garlic iodine on a large mole and it came off.
Really good advice from dr Berg


My skin tags pretty much disappeared when I was in ketoses and I started cheating with sugar last winter and went to far and feel out of control with my sugar and the tags came back.when I’m good with my sugar I don’t notice any and when I am a little over my tags are sensitive and remind me to pay attention to my sugar. Thank you tags for keeping me aware. 😍


I used apple cider vinegar and it worked beautifully.


I'm a year into recovering my health after finding you Dr Berg, thanks, you saved my life.


One drop povidone iodine, one drop of garlic  mix and apply over skin tag or warts , put a bandaid on top every night as needed, use a cotton swab to apply. I hope it works , I have many.


He's not kidding about censorship. I'm a biochemist and small creator and I absolutely can not say what the research says or even share my own health journey. Not here on YouTube or on any platform. It's crazy.


Had a small skin tag on my neck for years that suddenly started growing to about three times the size. I dabbed apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and held it to the tag for about 15 minutes a day. After just under a week it was gone.


I literally have an appointment to have one of these removed tomorrow for $400... I'm gonna postpone the appointment and give this a try.


I have removed skin tags with castor oil, rubbed on a few times a day. Or you can put castor oil on a bandaid and do it that way. Gone within 1-2 weeks or less depending on size.😊