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Early gang where y'all at?


Hafu best YouTubeber ❤❤😊


Let’s go! Another video!


1:59 “I SORRY I ONLY GOT A+!!”


"Im sorry i only got a A+" had me dying lol


I love your videos hafu ❤❤


13:43 the poor soda😂


I love you hafu go ❤❤❤❤


Very cool


You're not fooling anyone 🤣 0:42


Very cool projects


That is so coooool!


0:43 and 0:51
it is actually pretty easy to find the slightly warped patch of color of the shield if you know what to look for.


i like the invisible wall its so cool 0:35


Naast de boom😊😊


I love your videos, Hafu. You get to have a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing! ❤😊


Smash that Like Button with the Hulk Buster Fist!


So ‏cool


you are under yhe tree hafu go!!!!!!