
Peter Lynch: Everything you need to know about investing in one video https://youtu.be/ol907h0G9LY


Making money is not the same as keeping it there is a reason why investments aren't well  taught in schools, the examples you gave are well stationed, the market crisis gave me my first millions, people shy away from hard times, I embrace them.. well at least my advisor does.


Lynch was one of the greats. But you need loads of patience to do what he did / recommended. Unfortunately, very few people have the necessary patience.


I am aware that continuing to invest during periods of volatility can be a smart way to build wealth. I’ve heard testimonies of people accruing over $250k this red period. What measures can i take to ensure this?


Excellent video, you hit it out of the park with this one.


A lot of folks have been going on about a March rally and said stocks that would be experiencing significant growth this new year season, any idea which stocks this may be? I just sold my home in the Boca Grande area and I’m looking to remunerate a lump sum into the stock market before stocks rebound, is this a good time to buy or no?


Yep,  I've Liked and Subscribed to this excellent channel. :-)


Successful investing is hard work because it means disciplining your mind to do the opposite of human nature. Buying during a panic, selling during euphoria, and holding on when you are bored and just craving a little action. Investing is 5% intellect and 95% temperament.


This information was helpful


I love Peter Lynch.!


Thoughts on LPX, OC, XOM, and SHEL?


Lol people will talk about a recession for a whole 10 years until it finally happens, and then miss the pump thinking they are smart enough to time the market. Just be consistent and ignore the noise


Keep up the good work


What books do you recommend to start trading?


Present 👋


You know when you buy stuff to make the living you must able to resale as soon as possible    Without any excuse from other persuade


As a young lady who wanted to be financially independent I invested $2000 in my first trade, since then the winnings keep coming weekly.I only needed to be consistent with the guidance of a seasoned trade expert I trade with


Heard someone say the best season for a fin.ancial breakthrough is now, especially with inflation running at a four-decade high. I have approximately $750k stagnant in my port_folio that needs growth. What is the best way to take advantage of this downturn?


Please do a detailed video on Charlie's almanack, snowball ,warren buffet way, why didn't they teach me in school, one up on wall street, richest man in babylon and outsmart the crowd.

And also do a face reveal, it would be awesome 😁❤️


Then the holders earn big must withdraw quick    Too late lost earn big that cause with draw investment more than 60% from market cap