
Dandelion was my favorite Crayola Crayon as a kid. It’s a shame they discontinued it because it’s so much better than a blue that looks like one of the other blues that come in the pack.


Just wanted to say that the Elmer's color stick may just have wax blooming on it, which is why it looks like mold. Not positive, but you see that a lot with older products with wax in them. :)


I can't believe those crystal markers ACTUALLY WORKED??? if they could work in a sketchbook I would 100% use them (even though I live in a cold, humid place 👀)


Rainbow Sponge was ahead of its time. And those crystal markers are spectacular! Bring both back!


That final piece of art was amazing.


I had those rainbow brush pens as a kid and I loved them! I used them until ran out of ink. They definitely blended for me (my parents kept some of the stuff I drew with) and I don't remember them being so hard to use. Maybe since yours are old they maybe partially dried up and such why they didn't work


I think Bluetiful is Crayola's version of YInMn blue, so it's not quite "just ultramarine blue". I definitely agree that they should have replaced a blue or possibly one of the reds as those seem to be the two most plentiful in the 24 pack. Even if they had just replaced the color in the 24 pack, retiring Dandelion altogether was a big mistake, it's such a unique yellow!




Please do a full piece of art with the crayola glassmarker!
Thatbwould be awesome!


I'm convinced that this girl can make good artwork out of any art supplies


CRAYOLA:  Bring Dandelion back!! Start a petition…😂


That rainbow sponge was amazing, loved the lady's vibe as well, that's the biggest bring back for me.


Hello Rae! I’m gonna tell u something. I was born in a poor house, although I enjoyed art and sculpture, sometimes art supplies were so expensive we couldn’t even afford. Now am older, we moved to another state for better life conditions. I can already buy my art supplies, but I’ve been a fan since a while ago, my moms a graphic designer and we used to watch your videos together. Just so you know, you inspire people, many people, I really admire your work and you are such a funny and incredible persn, ily and keep making your incredible videos, thanks for making me the artist I’m on my way to be :)


6:13 “but this is exciting! Look at this color! ÆAÄÔ


Those crystal effect markers were SO cool!! My only complaint was once they got a little old they would crystallize on the tips of the markers.. like it would literally grow crystals! 😅


damn, its crazy how much rae's art improved,  11:20 thats quite an amazing looking piece. just amazing


never saw anything like the stained glass markers 😮 they are absolutely stunning!! some crystallisation process, i was always amazed by those textures and was sad it's not possible to incorporate in an artwork


I have the crystal effects markers! I posted a video with them a few years ago and I literally have people asking to buy them off me 😅 but I love them! They bring me joy! 🥰


11:29 that looked absolutely stunning! Omg, like you made every product work! Pure talent!


Idk how I found you but I did and here I am binge watching your playlist. You are inspiring me to want to do art again. I’m not very good I can admit but I enjoy it. Between burnout from work, school, and mental health I haven’t been motivated to do anything anymore. I love the vibe you give off, I love the information you give out in each video, I love it all honestly.