


Favourite quote forever from FTD is Body and Al fishing on the dock…

Body : “ He’s (Al) fishing for self-respect….but that ocean dried up a long time ago “ 😂😂😂😂


Would love to see everyone together big body bugatti, alc, mayhem! Congrats on the 10 years tho, love the show.


FTD singlehandedly opened up my eyes to cooking and the possibilities within the kitchen and in the world. Before getting into Action and his work, I could barely scramble an egg. Now, I look forward to every time I get to step into my kitchen and get my hands in some ingredients. Thank you Action, hard to put into words how much your passion bleeds through in your music and your work overall!


Been watching since the first season.  FTD introduced me to so many different foods and flavors, and I still have a Poke addiction to this day.  Thank you so much, Bronselinio.


I know we see action usually in a happy mood but when he's in the kitchen making something that looks improvised is the best. Hope we get another decade of FTD


Best cooking show I've seen in my life. And I'm 145lds


I absolutely love FTD and I’m so glad you brought it back in full force


My favorite FTD episode is def the late night Taxi cab episode riding around in NY with that cab driver with no teeth lol I watch it all the time it’s goated


You gotta bring back the crew


FTD was and always be my favorite show please bring it back then come to richmond va


This brother is so unintentionally profound- you have my heart and respect.


I love watching this guy after work drinking a beer. So many ideas.




Love it!

Maybe somebody would disagree but, being an italian from tuscany.. thats how i want my plates of pasta!


I wish the producer or whoever it was off camera didn’t question and interrupt action’s idea of cooking the broccoli and pasta at the same time. Like literally, “Let him cook!”


I know it’s about to be so much olive oil in this video.


Never miss an episode!!! Love yall


not gonna lie, just made pasta myself before watching this. some lentils, tomatoes, onions and garlic that's all you need man


No lie first time I ever experienced Bronson was The Symbol video. I couldn’t even comprehend the lyrics with my teenage mind but the art of the whole thing drew me in. Next thing you know I’m listening to Blue Chips 1+2 and Rare Chandeliers which put me on Al who ended up making a tape with Domo and connecting my Odd Future soaked brain with Bronson and all the other acts coming out of NY at the time like FBZ and Pro Era