

dizcord link in description :)


"are you hacking", "no bruh", cuts to me hacking LMFAOOO


building that amongus then killing mokezi was the peak of my life


Another awesome vid man
Very underrated channel keep up the good work👍


Get better at pvp:❌
Form an army:✅


(the song that was played when they were fighting pika was "forlorn" frokm uundertale yellow)


you'll get em next time tru


This is sick


Bro he hit him back at the toilet and his ass slammed that joke was so fking funny


W VID!!!:face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling:


cool video, good quality and good plot i enjoyed


dude this was so fun hope 2 do it again sometime (also banger video) 😼


You know its a good day when tru uploads


omg its true original gangster


when you see tru making a video u know your days is going to be a great day !:face-red-heart-shape:


Lifelesson amoung us


🔥 thumbnail


Let’s go Flame for the win


Nice VID bro