
Okay but the funniest part about this bit was Spambot's claw fumbling about and dropping the spam during its monologue, and you can barely see it in this framing


Those are my favorite crows




It's always 'Who do Gurus' and never ' How are you doing, Gurus?' 😔


Ah yes, the classic Australian rock band the "Who Do Gurus".


🎶Kneel before the great spambot🎶


Ok ok, this got me smiling. Well done lads.


Those crows are absolutely fantastic. Haven't you done well?


Careful about saying spam so much in a restaurant. You'll turn the whole place into a viking warship


Ohh, Hoodoo Gurus!


Dont cut out that banger of a song in the credits




Gift vouchers before the first date? Someone's desperate...


so thats where darren from ggsp went


What do you think.. of my crows?


Sadly, that website costs 10000 us dollars.


I've never laughed at one of their skits...how is the government funding these idiots