
4 mins in and have already felt too many tingles! the tapping and scratching on the pages while you kind of read over words is so pleasant.


I write this entirely too often to be considered healthy, but man Emma, you're really literally always saving my worst days. It might be that I've been having a rough patch and it doesn't seem to have ended yet. Anyway, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, thank you, can't express the comfort this video is going to give me now before bed. Like being wrapped in the cosiest, gentlest little friendly blanket. Did I mention, thank you? 💜


This is my fourth or fifth time studying to this video so I figure a comment is long overdue. Thanks for this, Emma. It's really helping. I'm currently writing my final exam for my favourite ever uni course so it's really bittersweet. This video (paired with Stardew Valley music in the background) is giving me all the good vibes and is really helping me get through it, so thank you. Your efforts and talents are really appreciated


More of these study sessions please. I love them in the background while I’m reading!


You inspire me everytime to study and learn something....just watching you motivates me to work hard in my studies😌✨


Hi Emma i recently discovered your videos, you help me deal with huge amount of work and stress and i study best with your ASMR, i hope you manage all your work and get relief from stress as you relax us, much love and support❤❤❤


I’am wanting to open up my own coffee/bakery shop, so I have this playing in the background while writing some notes🙂. It’s so relaxing and helps me focus on my notes😌🧡.


Thank you so much for uplaoding this video, Emma! I had a major breakdown and your voice calmed me down. Your videos always comfort me so much. 
Thanks again and hope you have a good day/night 💕
Stay healthy and happy, always! 
Love you <3


I will be coming back to this video countless times, absolutely fantastic! Made my day tbh. ❤️


Emma! Please consider making a similar ASMR video to this one again 😭😩💗 I use these two study ASMR videos from you constantly when I'm studying, and a read with me ASMR etc. would be also great, doesn't have to be study with me 🥺🙏 You're so calming and I feel motivated when I'm studying alone 🫂


oh my god, i had no idea you had an ASMR channel. this made my day!! your regular videos already give me such a sense of calm, and i always thought your voice was ideal for ASMR. please make a longer version of this if/when you can, i've already watched it multiple times 🤣


Having one of my insomniac nights so this is a fortuitous upload! Thanks, Emma. And hope you’re doing well 😊


I FEEL SO BLESSED!! I just discovered your main channel few days ago and was thinking to myself “wow her voice will be so good for ASMR” THENNN THEEEN THEEENNN I FOUND THIS CHANNEL YESTERDAY 😭😍


I had this on while I wrote a couple papers for my vet tech internship and it helped me focus so much!


Thank you for the company in studying Emma! I was annotating and jotting down notes on the latest book I finished reading while watching this. Best wishes to you and your studies this semester!


exactly what I needed while working on my thesis!


Omg I just realised you have an asmr channel. Your main channel is always so relaxing and asmr-y so I’m happy I’ve found more of ittt yayyy


love the company and vibes


Yay! Lunar Library revival!  Just what I needed for a night of emails and editing 👍


Thank you Emma!! I’m so excited for this video!💕