
💻 You can read the article version of this video here - https://efficientengineer.com/shear-force-and-bending-moment-diagrams/
📑 I''ve created one-page PDF summary sheets for this video and several others - more information about the summary sheets here: https://efficientengineer.com/summary/.
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I don't usually comment, but I really had to say what a great video this was. Please please please don't stop. You are helping a lot of engineering students (especially me). Amazing visuals.


Im an engineer myself. Never did any book or professors explained it easy as you do. Greetings from Amsterdam!!


Such an awesome explanation combined with the soft music, I cried from joy of understanding everything of this beauty. I've never fully understood this until now. You are truly a legend!


Is it just me or did this guy just summarize an entire semester of engineering statics in 16 minutes in a more effective way than any prof or text ever did?


I have my honours degree in civil engineering and have been working in roads and project management for the past 4 years, so needed a refresher course on structures and analysing  moments, etc. In all my years of university and being out in the working world, I have never seen such high quality content! If only this video existed back when I was in Uni, structures and design would've been a lot easier to understand! Well done!


I am an aerospace engineer and this is simply phenomenal. Phenomenal animation, color coding, teaching and narration. This is literally 50% of my master's degree condensed into a 16min video


This helped me a lot, I just took my strength of materials course recently and had a hard time visualizing. Your awesome.


The aesthetically cogent animation in this video aids in visualizing the loading and stress distributions much more clearly, allowing us to spatially understand it better and feel whats happening. Please continue to upload more of such awesome videos. PS: Euler_Bernoulli Beam theory and Prandtl's function


I absolutely love your ability to clearly show the complex and simple parts of physics. I'm only a high-school level physics student, but this has explanations that I can understand. Amazing work.


this video is awesome i hope u continue and expand.
 we are in need for content like this.
thank you so much


I cannot thank you enough for all the hard work that you have put into these videos. Bless you


this was undoubtedly exact info and in a perfect manner


from 10:25 and beyond i was honestly amazed by how all those variables were connected to each other. it made me feel again the joy of learning that I have been missing from school for a long time now. Turns out, learning can be fun lol

all engineering courses wherever in the world must have your videos by default


Very Interactive way of explaining. Well done The Efficient Engineer.


you got me to tears in how good you explained this. such a hero


Been a few years since my strength of materials course, but I would have loved to have this video at the time. Beautiful graphics and very clear explanation! Nice work


This is the best video on shear forces and bending moments on the internet!


This effort worth a genuine appreciation. Great man! Keep making such videos.


Your video is a lifesaver before my statics exam, straight to the point with it. Not a guy droning on, and the screen overloaded with working out and equations.