Thanks a lot for this video. Very interesting direction Midas is going here. And not to forget! It changed the my whole perspective on Behringer gear as well....
Super excited to hear about the even more affordable versions. Currently using Behringer Wings (full size, compact and rack) after waiting ages for Midas to update their Pro and M series consoles and would love to go back to the Midas ecosystem.
Is that optional fader unit available on its own? and can it control DAW faders? Just curious. 🤔 Some people just want a fader controller for their DAWs. 🤷♀
...if you can run a kilometer of fiber cable, price is not a concern. This is a fascinating look, thank you.
To think, Avid started the compact consoles in this firmware with the S3L, waves came along and made massive improvements with LV1. If this sounds like a Midas Pro series, I’ll pass. I am interested in the fader bank though. That looks cool. Especially if they took the features of the X-Touch and just expanded an X-Touch with this.
Interesting! would love to work on one. The layout clicked with my old brain. My fave is still the old 3000. i guess someday i need to embrace change. But this does look cool.
Nick and the Midas guy have eerily similar voices lol
Can you even see the scribble strips on the right side while trying to mix? I don't know how this works ergonomically.
so, to run more than 50 input channels i would need 3 huge blue boxes? how much would that cost and what is the weight situation on the blue boxes?
What kind of ergonomics is this man.. 3 fader on the side with tones of buttons that you have to lean over the console to get to????
Have they finally got a wireless platform that is actually useable? We bought two of these desks for work and the fact that the wireless iPad GUI is garbage and how it works with DN9680s and some of the older DL431s is shocking. I refuse to vouch for this until it is a finished product as they really screwed up the HD96.
I think they simply got it wrong. Small format console? Great! But look at the Wing Compact. THAT is the way forward. Build a big brother of that thing and you’ll tear up the entire live-audio industry. But the current Midas line-up isn’t going to do that. I love the HD96 to bits, but it’s an inherently flawed design.
The most annoying thing about this new HD consoles is their physical interface, screen with “all kind of blue” coloured sections,white letters on it, dark grey letters on deep blue surfaces and extremely bright and uninformative knobs at predecessor’s panel are awful, IMHO.
Expensive and with software that feels like it’s beta..
Please can you visit the Behringer Wing stand ask them can they add fader automation and chandler emi effeccts to the WIng on my behalf. Thank you.
What are your pronouns?