
Bc of the internet younger kids have been warned how bad this profession is. It's getting worse,  not better. The hours are horrible,  the stress is terrible,  and the pay hasn't kept up to justify it


Interesting timing. I graduated a few months ago and have been working as a staff accountant for a couple of months. I'm aiming to pursue my Master's starting in January and then go for my CPA in 2026. I thought about holding out but I think that Master's Program may be beneficial for me.


I hope so, I’m 3 credits away from the 150 😫


Well don’t lower the standards πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


This new change is a step in the right direction but to really move the needle the profession needs to address the low pay high stress work culture. Becoming a slave to work just isn't "sexy" like it used to be (being tongue-in-cheek here).


Thats the requirement in CO. A bachelor's / 150 credit hours. No masters needed to sit for the test.


In my country Indonesia, being a CPA needs 144 credits of undergraduate degree in accounting, 3 years working of experience, and hundred hours as auditor.


Interesting I am doing it now


I wonder if this makes the master degree more valuable


I think it's a wonderful idea and it's not lowering any standards. Everything is the same except you don't have to get a masters or waste your time taking a bunch of extra classes you don't need like I'm having to.




If that happens that would be a great


Once this comes into effect, would this be applicable for the CPA candidates who have already completed their exams?


They need to make this a thing!


Plz do update us on this topic


I do not think this is a good idea.  Our society is lazy and stupid. 
Shit ,77m voted to be treated like second class citizens.


Ugh! More crooks πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ