
Огромное Вам Спасибо за такое прекрасное видео о Мумбае ! Море ,прибой ,вечерний пляж полный купающихся ,прекрасный закат ,город ! Через Ваши фильмы я продолжаю знакомиться с Вашей Прекрасной Родиной ! Мы любим смотреть фильмы Индии , но Ваши видео открывают Красоту Природы Вашей Прекрасной Родины ! 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍


Nice video
best music


nice video sirji.


A spell binding video with matching excellent music and some very good views of the beach ,sea and the crowd .Loved it .Thank you !!!


Keep making beautiful videos


My eternal love ❤ thanks for sharing the beauty !!


Khatarnaak hi shoot krte ho tum to


Wow crisp and cut nicely .. i like the video.. next kaha chale ??☺👍


Very professional shoot as always... Using DSLR camera is allowed or you take official permission for it ?


Ye site itna saaf kaise ??????😉


Your presentations are really nice. I m subscribed member of your website.


Nice video...


It's good to see so many people using a clean beach. Nice video, thank you. Have a great week Gautam.


Whow! 😍


Nice video Gautam
Please make 1 video on Girgaon beach marine lines


Hi Dear mountain 🐐 goat I'm really missing your's tracking... I'm waiting... Now ur sea 🕊


missed i would have met u I live in juhu😇


What happened to your trekking and trails... There are still many places you haven't visited.