“Why would the pirates stay?” Limitless wealth and a base of operations with food and an established work force. Practically speaking its tailor made for someone to just walk-in and take over without its defenses.
I heard someone say “ Don’t write a story to tell me what to expect in the future, write me a story to tell me what’s happening right now in it.” Those aren’t the exact words but the point stands that some Star Wars shows really only seemed to exist for that crazy cameo at the end to set up the next show and didn’t focus on the story enough. While skeleton crew seems to fix it a little, I do agree that no one should expect a 2nd season during production and should tell the whole story with perhaps just preparations in case another season is green lit
I'm pretty sure the pirates wanted to stay to keep the mint going to have the endless treasure so that means keeping the people working because they wouldn't know how to run the equipment to make the endless money. I've only watched the show once all the way through so far so I might not have heard right, but I think that's why
Jods Jedi stuff was originally a flashback, they filmed it but it was cut. Behind the scenes of it is on YouTube
This show gave me ~such~ a Goonies vibes, in all the best ways
I thought they did pretty good explaining it. It was an old republic mint, then the empire took over and the empire told At Attin to stay hidden and all the Jedi are traitors. It’s hidden so nobody can take the mint like Jod almost did. It was a simple explanation to a fantastic story in my opinion.
Jen, I completely agree with everything you said, as many things were left unexplained. I feel it is was of high quality, like Mando seasons one and 2 , production, acting and visual wise. Personally, this should have been made into a movie, like all Star Wars steaming shows. I feel streaming has diluted Star Wars and Star Wars should be only be cinematic releases. This is why I am happy about the Mando and Grogu, season 4 being made into a movie for the big screen.
I like using the acolyte being used as an adjective for a show being in over their head and a cancellation tripping them up.
I honestly thought that the Supervisor was gonna be a Wizard of Oz situation. I kinda found it weird that it was just a Droid running everything also the pirates wanting to keep the people trapped makes some sense. They knew with the people of At Attin imprisoned they would be able to continue with making the credits that would make the pirates unimaginably rich
The weird thing to me is that unless the credits themselves are made out of actual valuable material such as gold for example they would kind of be worthless since we’re in the new republic era! But let’s say you can spend it, it would just cause massive inflation and just drive the cost of everything up or the value of the money down!
Hey Jen I got a question about a costume I’m trying to make any suggestions for how to make a starwars style outfit without it being an over the top Jedi master cosplay and how do I make it look weathered without destroying it?
Personally I really enjoyed this and acolyte even though some things didn’t rap up perfectly
Can't say I remember no At Attin.
It felt a bit clunky as they called it an Old Republic mint (capitalised in subtitles) rather than it meaning the adjective to just be an old Republic mint of undetermined period. It is vaguely referred as part of the Great Works which is Chancellor Lina Soh’s big series of projects in the High Republic era, which would be after the Old Republic. It feels like the overall continuity is going a bit all over the place the more they make.
I smell season 2!!!!!
I wanna watch it
I don't think it was once, I think the idea is a Jedi exile would have taught him more but got caught.
It ended already? Huh, could've sworn it just started...