Jean: Well maybe we wouldnt be in this mess if "some people" didnt try to breach Shiganshina with their BIG MEATY TITANS.
Spongebob casually shoots someone down because they're wrong
[Gabi shoots Eren in the head] Eren: Too bad that didnt kill me.
It's amazing how well Spongebob audio fits in AoT. The Patrick ones will always be the best. P
Floch is a surprisingly good Spongebob material
The fireman won't be happy with that Floch
I guess Floch doesn't like firemen
Eren: You've taken my dream and crushed it! Crushed it into little, tiny bite-sized pieces!
Floch: Yelena, when you were about to die rebelling against Marley, who was it that saved you. Yelena: A giant monkey. Floch: And Jean, when you were about to join the Military Police and not the Survey Corps, who inspired you? Jean: Marco. Floch: Right, so if we all could just pretend that Eren was a giant monkey or Marco then I’m sure we could all pull together and discover what it truly means to be free! Volunteer: Yeah, for the giant monkey!
Spongebob and Aot go hand in hand for hilarious vids like these
The second half as the episode was just...heart breaking
These never cease to amaze me lol. They come at all the right times. Sexy ass memes!
The gold just keeps coming. You are a master of your craft sir
Gabi : I'm gonna stop eren and save the world Eren : no you ain't
At this point I'll never be able to rewatch season 4 without thinking of the memes.
Lol at the colossals marching off in the background.
Wow this is a Master Peace good work
And a one, a two, a skiddly diddly DOO
Eren is squidward in this scenario