
finally a fire with a dark background that doesn't tire the eyes, is elegant and discreet and helps moments of relaxation... every evening I put it on the big screen in the living room to put my baby to sleep and it's perfect β™‘


Love the ambiance! The sound of the wood crackling is priceless! Thank you and Goodnight! 😴


Hey there! Amidst the lively cascade of comments, my little note might seem like a drop in the ocean. But if you're reading this, it's definitely not by accident. Cheer up, because there's a special message tucked away right here just for you. In the face of life's ups and downs, remember to tap into your inner well of strength and bounce-back-ability. You've got this!


Not so lit up that I can sleep. GOODNIGHT!!!!!


All fire videos are not created equal, this is excellent.


This is brilliant.  I've used all the ocean, rain, frogs, wind, white noise, etc but never thought to search for a campfire. Reminds me of my youth in the 80s when we basically lived outside because of how much us kids played in the outdoors.  Really appreciate you posting this.


Thank you Bonfire in taking the time to record & upload this relaxing sound for us to relax with.
Hoping & praying you experience an all around safe, healthy, relaxing, calming, blessed & joyous gooder rest, all around, with, in & positively under Jesus’ & God’s tender, loving care.


Love these campfire scenes, very relaxing, almost like being there!

How about making a colorful fire? It must be more beautiful


Thank you for making my dream of owning a camin come true!


Brilliant best one yet ,perfect.


One of my favorites! Great crackling noise! I have it on my big screen and in my bedroom too. Thank you!


Ach wie wunderbar doch das Feuer doch knacken kann.sehr beruhigt es ein doch.πŸ‘


This will surely help me go back to sleep πŸ™πŸ½ Thank you


This video not only relaxes and gives peace in my mind, but also amplifies my fiery and dark mind to face any obstacles of my life and realise the benefits of darkness that improves my sleep and mental condition. Thank you very much. ❀


I don't know who needs to hear this but whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath, stay positive, and know that things will get better.πŸ’–


Love this it helps me get to sleep and I don't sleep well bc I have insomnia


I hope you enjoy this 12 hours fire video!


I love this πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½βœ¨οΈ I had been looking for something like this on your channel and I'm so glad I found this.  thank you!!


The balance between the visuals and sounds here is perfectβ€”it feels like a gentle escape from the noise of everyday life. I’ve been creating similar content with a focus on rain and candlelight, and I’m loving the peaceful atmosphere it brings. Curious if anyone else finds certain sound combinations more relaxing?


Love it almost makes me feel like I'm outside watching it