Everyone's talking about Kristen Stewart but I'm so happy to see Katy O'Brian in a big role like this. ❤
Saw this last night and absolutely loved it. Both Kristen Stewart and Katy O'Brian were outstanding. Just a great, great film all around with awesome music and dazzling visuals.
The 80s song is "Smalltown Boy" by Bronsky Beat if youre wondering
In the era of remakes, comics and novels adaptation and biographies, A24 is the only studio left who's providing us the original content on regular basis.
As someone born in the ‘80’s I’m loving all this nostalgia.
"Revenge gets ripped" is probably the best promotional line ever. lol. Rose Glass is gonna do it again.
I feel like A24's secret to success and creativity is just their willingness to take on any random film project and turn it into something great
80’s neo-noir couldn’t get better than this and Rose Glass sophomore film after “Saint Maud” is truly impressive! A mixture of grotesque, sexiness, brutal violence and stylized visuals! Ed Harris is remarkable and terrifying!, Katy O’Brian is truly a breakthrough within this pitch-perfect performance, with all subtlelties and yet brutal force, and Kristen Stewart is now the punk-princess of independent cinema, it may not be the virtuoso acting she excelled in “Spencer” (WOW!!!), but she’s now a force of nature and throws herself with bravura in both Story and character, she keeps improving as a film actress with a wide emotional range. “Love Lies Bleeding” will become a cult-classic!, and Rose Glass is emerging as one of the most daring and interesting female filmmakers of our time! Thank you A24 and Film4 for believing in THE POWER OF TRUE CINEMA.
I love it when a trailer gives you the vibes of the movie more than the plot ❤️
Great to see Ed Harris still working. The man is a legend.
Just got out of the theater and LOVED this. So original and different. Katy Obrien is absolutely phenomenal in this and as always the a24 film experience had me gripped from the 1st scene on. Absolutely worth a watch.
Whenever Kristen Stewart stars in an indie film, count me in. She truly excels in the independent movie scene, showcasing her skills and talent as a remarkable actress. She deserves all the praise! ❤ Kristen Stewart has a remarkable knack for infusing depth and authenticity into her characters, capturing the hearts of audiences. I'm confident her performance will be nothing short of mesmerizing! And, might I add, her commitment to indie films adds an extra layer of charm to her versatile career.
For those of you who haven’t seen Saint Maud, I HIGHLY recommend checking it out before seeing this. Rose Glass is a talent.
Just saw this film tonight. It’s been 4 hours and I’m still thinking about it. I have to see it again. Lol
A24 been knocking it out of the park with its movies. Definitely gonna check this out next year
That clip of them running through the clouds... my god. rewound it like 10x. Incredible imagery!
Just left the theater. The movie was a certified banger!!!
I've been hyped for this movie for a year and yet the trailer looks even better than the high expectations I already had.
If Kristen Stewart is in an independent movie, i'm definitely watching. Independent movies is where she's good at in showing her skills and talent in becoming a respectable actress. She deserves it! ❤