
Have you been to Daylesford Victoria before. What was your favourite part of it? I would love to know so leave a comment below! :)


Beautiful, thank you for sharing ❀


This is the best Daylesford video I have ever seen!  πŸ˜„


Lived in Daylesford my whole life, sometimes forget how beautiful it is, good video




Worth visiting for the Lavender and Llamas alone! Beautiful video and photos Larissa!☺


Absolutely beautiful Larissa! So much to see and do in Daylesford! Just added it to my must see list!


That was a nice and relaxing video to watch, great work! 😘


I grew up in Melbourne and remember going to Daylesford as a kid. Never been back. Shame. It looks amazing. Thanks mate


What a lovely peaceful video to watch Larissa. I loved it!


Love Daylesford the place sure does look spectacular, last time I was there was more than 40 years ago. Great video Larissa.


Absolutely Amazing Vedio 😍 Thanks for sharing 😊


Thank you for sharing such amazing photos, I'm planning go to Daylesford for a coming  holiday, can't wait for it πŸ˜„


Can’t express myself in words. It is just like a picture


this place is majestic, i hope one day be able to go to australia and live in such a place




Oh I so want to go there!! It looks like a magical place! Stunning Larissa!


Great video of my Home town Larissa glad you enjoyed it 😊


Very beautiful country.. A nice place to live.


What a beautiful part of Australia!! I've always wanted to go to Daylesford, I'll definitely be going now! Fantastic video Larissa!