
I love this game and it was my GOTY, but since the last nerfs I can't trust them anymore. They always nerf stuff intentionally, I'm not saying this is intentional but even if it's a bug they didn't test it at all, the patch is suppose to fix it but instead it nerfs it even more and it's worse than before, then it means it's not a fix is it? No one tried it if it actually fixes said things, or makes other things worse? I just can't trust anymore.

Edit: Also I remember them making fun of the community before for complaining about nerfs, they shot themselves in the foot and now are crying that it hurts, they knew about the PSN requirements months before. They're not innocent.


AH:"They're still killing chargers with the flamethrower?! Deploy a fix to that IMMEDIATELY!."


Very realistic!!! I remember how in real life flame throwers shoot a flame that doesnt stick to anything and that looks like someone lighting a stream of body spray with a lighter! And the flames just bounce off! Amazing attention to detail!


Man, this went from being somewhat comical to just downright depressing. Helldivers 2 was my GOTY as well but after all of this? I can't in good conscience keep it as my GOTY. 

Well, at least we have Space Marine 2...


Hell Diver in the Next patch update: "We fix some bugs issue when using the Auto-Canon. Now, it will work more realistic"


Man seeing napalm just deflect is so realistic.


it straight up looks like tf2 flames now


It makes me really sad that Helldivers 2 could've easily been a GOTY candidate if it weren't for the mass nerfing and lack of content


Why do they keep adding more insult to injury? 😢 why do they keep disrespecting our flame bro?😭


this video is depressing, and it's not your fault obviously - this game makes me sad


The level of incompetency on display by the devs is astounding.  They had a solid gold egg fall into their lap and they are doing their absolute best to shove it back inside the goose.


The new flame thrower looks like absolute trash. The stupid puffs of fire versus a liquid stream of realistic flame. Absolutely terrible.


There was a flamethrower, now it's a water pistol


They straight up make it impossible to have fun


Man, they heard "Let him cook" and took offense to that.


We all thought it was SONY that was holding back the game, turns out ArrowHead has been on a mission to make sure no one will have fun in the game from the start


I don’t think these developers actually play the game they work on. Or just play games in general. Otherwise they would understand the meaning of fun.


Gonna wait for Space Marine 2 then


It's time for blackmyth, bro.


it would make so much more sense if they just said "we never intended for the flamethrower to be able to kill chargers."