I live on 3.5 acres. There is a small garden and a greenhouse where I am growing herbs. I have planted corn, multiple varieties of peppers, red beets, peas, beans, potatoes, reddish etc. My intention is to massively expand the garden/food growing area each year. There are enough areas to literally grow over one year of food if harvested and stored properly. I am adding more fruit trees. There is an independent well, which is priceless. I have built and housed a generator, no more standing knees deep in snow. Next year it is my intent to build a chicken coop. Over an acre is forested. That is a reserve of firewood. In Maine there is ample rainfall where I can store water. I am certain, beginning this year and into, then through, the next decade will be the most challenging years of my life. Getting prepared for it is my central focus. I have a long list of hands-on skills in construction-carpentry. I am a 30 US Army retired medic/EMT-I. I am enjoying a rural style life. To be as self-reliant as possible is my goal.
I have followed John for many years. This interview is a chart topper. GET THIS ONE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN.
You entered this world with nothing,also certainly you will leave this world with Nothing .
I can't tell you the number of letters I have gotten from companies wanting to buy my paid off home. It is constant. So far, they are not taking the hint that I will never sell them a single thing, ever.
We are getting poorer precisely because a narrow elite has organized society for their own benefit at the expense of the vast mass of people. Political power has been narrowly concentrated, and has been used to create great wealth for those who possess it.
The other thing that they are looking to control other than food, currency and banking, is healthcare. You control a person's access to healthcare, then you control them.
People wont wake up until it is too late. Thank you for covering this.
Great Depression 2.0 and WW3 around the corner
It is not the 1%. It is a handful of billionaires and they will bankrupt the millionaires if they can.
Thank you. I started watching your channel probably about a year ago. We are in NC, my husband is a native and I here for over 35 years. I truly appreciate the range of guests that you have, and I find you to be discerning and also someone who truly does want to help fellow human beings. Clearly you have worked to earn what you have, but you are not sitting around figuring out how to extract all you can from others, you show integrity by giving back. I have been also following about the New World Order, but often those who speak on that topic are out there and include so much extreme rhetoric. Clearly this guest is well grounded and so I want to hear what he has to say, and likely will share this widely. With respect!
This gentleman was extraordinary honest on what really going on out here. Great guest. ππΎπ―β
As a gun owner/collector, I must say that you can never have enough ammunition to sustain an attack by a government (foreign or domestic) on individual's rights. Speaking of protecting yourself in that moment in time will only delay your inevitable cancel.
You're all renters, go ahead, stop paying property tax and see what happens.
This was definitely Planned probably before 50 years ago
One of many questions that I struggle with to understand is how a nation like the USA who has infinite intellectual people like John Rubino fails to hear the deafening alarm bell for thirty + years. Thank you John Rubino
I will die on my feet before I die on my knees and if it comes to that to fight for my family so be it!
The U.S. at it's founding was mostly made up of small independent farmers. A very hard to control group. With every passing generation we are becoming employees working for large companies. A change for the worse in my opinon. A free people who are independent and self-sufficient people is who we want to be; home owners and small busness people.
@ 17:50 mention also the breakdown of the social contact and faith in institutions.
Mr Ribeno seems to have very deep insights born of very indepth knowledge gained over many decades.