
:_Hazard: This free video took weeks to make! if it helped you and you'd like to thank or support Paul's efforts, link below: 
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This is hands down the best and most comprehensive animated explanation about MOSFETs I've ever seen and I have seen a few


I've been playing with electronics as a hobby for over 20 years. No one has ever explained MOSFETs this comprehensively to me before.
This made me flash back into time when i understood how BJT's worked for the first time.


If I could make a suggestion: When teaching about something like this, where there are multiple versions of the same thing, I've found that it's incredibly helpful to go through use cases for the different versions.
It's so much easier to understand and remember what something does, when you understand what problem it solves.
In any case, thank you for yet another amazingly well produced and presented video.


Amazing video, I’m a current EE undergrad, when i took electronics, my professor didn’t seem to throughly explain MOSFETs like you did. I look forward to your uploads!


I am an independent learner.  Autistic and not very good in classrooms. Your videos are amazingly helpful. Thank you for your videos that are audio-visually stimulating and engaging.


when i was young, I was in a job interview and they showed me the symbol of MOSFET and asked me what it is, so I answered: transistor, they said: no! Its a MOSFET, so I told them: yea, but still a transistor. Did not get the job :D


This video is exactly what I've been searching for! The explanations are clear, and I appreciate how accessible it is for everyone. Thank you so much for sharing such valuable content for free! One suggestion I have is to consider slowing down the pace of the practical explanations a bit, as they can be a little quick. Keep up the great work!


I did quit engineering for I.T for a lack of such explanation in my previous school. However, I'm finding this very handy as an IOT enthusiast! Good job Engineering mindset!


It would take a feat of engineering to design a simpler explaination of Mosfets. LOL Good pacing, animation, real parts demonstration, and starting with basic switches were all fantastic.


Great video. Just wanted to point out at 10:50 and 11:15 that p and n type materials are neutral. The p is for holes(positive) majority carriers and n is for electrons(negative) majority carriers. Then when they both diffuse(movement due to concentration gradient) in opposite type material at p-n junction, then space charge region is formed.


Paul, that was brilliant video with an excellent explanation. But for me, I'm going to need to watch it a few times; before it fully sinks in. :_Caution::_Caution:


Thank you, this is one of the best video i've ever seen about mosfets ❤


Generally I watch educational videos in speed multiplied. This is the first video i have ever watched in 0.75x. Even then watched it on repeat at some points. Pure content☺️
Most of the knowledge about electronics I have aquired is from your channel, which was suggested by one of my friend. Thanks a lot for your work 🥰


Well this is embarrassing - I’m an EE by education and have some experience with FETs but had only really ever considered N and P types - the enhancement and depletion attributes were phrases I’d heard but never needed to understand 😳 Every day’s a learning day as the saying goes 👍


After graduating as a tech in 85, I went on to do everything but electronics in my career. Now retired it has become a fascinating hobby.  I was miffed about mosfets.  No one really explains.  That is until I came across this video.   What a treat!  Thank you so much for taking time to make it.


It’s because of videos like these that I’m able to learn so much about engineering! Thank you ❤


WOW. Hands down this is the best and most thorough explanation of MOSFETs I’ve ever witnessed. This is coming from an Electrical Engineer that has taken many classes on them. What beautiful intuitions this provides oh my word!


This is just about the only video one needs in order to go from zero to knowledgeable on transistors.  The graphic illustrations are just brilliant.  Thanks so much for this!


I'm a MechE senior, when I took electronic courses for my major, they taught mostly the BJT transistor and so that is what we use in lab with our arduino and motor circuits.  
The detailed explanation of MOSFETs you have here is fantastic and exactly what I would be hunting for as a student eager to learn about this subject.  I feel lucky to have access to your channel, thanks for the education!