Yum! I’m going to try this tomorrow xx
It’s on my list thanks to you Steph love this
Great recipe!!! Thank you Steph❣☕🇨🇦
Love those 🥰
I'm here because The Vintage Read Show shouted out this recipe and the coconut/condensed milk recipe. I'm going to try it 🥰
In the video, you say three cups of flour. That would be self raising flour for Americans. Not plain flour which is what Americans mostly use. It is easy to make self raising out of plan flour. In the notes, you say to use only two cups of flour. Which is correct? And for us in America, it is about 350f for our ovens.
does gluten free flour work for this recipe?
Is it Plain Flour or Self Raising Flour … so when ever you say flour I’m thinking Plain flour temp oven and time for cooking please
How long in oven?what setting me dumb ass