
0:00 - 2:17 ~ Animal Crossing: City Folk/Wild World Theme
2:19 - 4:57~ K.K. Bossa
4:59 - 7:57 ~ 5 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
8:00 - 10:40 ~ The Roost
10:44 - 13:56 ~ 7 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
13:58 - 16:59 ~ 8 p.m. (Animal Crossing: City Folk/Wild World)
17:03 - 19:42 ~ 10 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
19:45 - 22:20 ~ City Theme (Evening) (Animal Crossing: City Folk)
22:22 - 24:11 ~ Museum
24:13 - 26:46 ~ Animal Island (Animal Crossing Gamecube) or K.K. Island
26:49 - 29:12 ~ K.K. Ballad
29:13 - 32:11 ~ K.K. Lullaby
32:16 - 34:12 ~ Forest Life
34:14 - 37:25 ~ Bubblegum K.K.
37:29 - 39:24 ~ Stale Cupcakes
~Playlist Repeat!~
39:26 - 41:43 ~ Animal Crossing: City Folk/Wild World Theme
41:45 - 44:23 ~ K.K. Bossa
44:26 - 47:24 ~ 5 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
47:27 - 50:07 ~ The Roost
50:11 - 53:23 ~ 7 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
53:25 - 56:26 ~ 8 p.m. (Animal Crossing: City Folk/Wild World)
56:30 - 59:06 ~ 10 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
59:12 - 1:01:47 ~ City Theme (Evening) (Animal Crossing: City Folk)
1:01:48 - 1:03:37 ~ Museum
1:03:39 - 1:06:12 ~ Animal Island (Animal Crossing Gamecube) or K.K. Island
1:06:16 - 1:08:39 ~ K.K. Ballad
1:08:40 - 1:11:38 ~ K.K. Lullaby
1:11:42 - 1:13:38 ~ Forest Life
1:13:41 - 1:16:52 ~ Bubblegum K.K.
1:16:55 - 1:18:50 ~ Stale Cupcakes


I’m gonna fall asleep to this now-


these are all so pretty!! and i love the inclusion of older animal crossing songs :)


No comments in a year? Lemme fix that. 



I can’t thank you enough for sharing this; today I had one of the worst migraines I’ve ever had and this music helped me get through it. Thank you so much!


Thank you for reuploading this video! I loved the music box versions and missed when they were in a playlist like this ❤


No comments in 2 months?! I remember watching this 3 years ago. It seemed so much more popular. I guess animal crossing just kinda of lost all of its hype, it’s disappointing, really. The game had a rise and fall in such a short amount of time. The only thing keeping the game alive seems to be the mod using ACNH YouTubers. I’ll miss the popularity of videos like these. I guess I’ll just listen to this for now until people discover the beauty of AC music.


0:00 ~ Animal Crossing: City Folk/Wild World Theme
2:19 ~ K.K. Bossa
4:59 ~ 5 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
8:00 ~ The Roost
10:44 ~ 7 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
13:56 ~ 8 p.m. (Animal Crossing: City Folk/Wild World)
17:03 ~ 10 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
19:45 ~ City Theme (Evening) (Animal Crossing: City Folk)
22:22 ~ Museum
24:13 ~ Animal Island (Animal Crossing GameCube) or K.K. Island
26:49 ~ K.K. Ballad
29:13 ~ K.K. Lullaby
32:16 ~ Forest Life
34:14 ~ Bubblegum K.K.
37:29  ~ Stale Cupcakes
39:26 ~ Animal Crossing: City Folk/Wild World Theme
41:45 ~ K.K. Bossa
44:26 ~ 5 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
47:27 ~ The Roost
50:11 ~ 7 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
53:25 ~ 8 p.m. (Animal Crossing: City Folk/Wild World)
56:30 ~ 10 p.m. (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
59:12 ~ City Theme (Evening) (Animal Crossing: City Folk)
1:01:48 ~ Museum
1:03:39 ~ Animal Island (Animal Crossing GameCube) or K.K. Island
1:06:16 ~ K.K. Ballad
1:08:40 ~ K.K. Lullaby
1:11:42 ~ Forest Life
1:13:41 ~ Bubblegum K.K.
1:16:55 ~ Stale Cupcakes

(Credit to @Merp Derp)
(Slight changes to stamps)
My Spotify Playlist~

~ @Lofi Fox


Thank you for making this playlist! Got introduced this video today from a friend and it is really helping put my 1yo to sleep 😊


I love this so much, thank you for uploading this! I've always loved the music box versions of animal crossing music and this is perfect to sleep to


This is so relaxing I love it so much!!


Holy cow, starting off with the City Folk/Wild World theme? I think I might cry. Thank you for uploading.


This is the best music box playlist ever! Miffynoa, keep up the good work! 🎵📤


woah, i fell right asleep after a long day....there should be more hourly music box ac music i think


love this thanks for calming my mind i have got a really stressful week just after my gcse's and this helped loads


as someone with insomniac episodes, this playlist is one of the only things that helps nearly every time. thank u <3


I've only listened to the first 3 songs which are my favorites and I'm really touched,,,💛 animal crossing is the best game :(


TY i love this!! really helps me relax on the nights i have a lot on my mind so i can sleep


Why are these so amazing?? I need more!! 😭❤


Ty so so so much for this gorgeous playlist! I’m sick at the moment and can’t sleep so this helps me relax ☾❀