Nobody is confused about the difference. It's just that up until about 5 minutes ago, they meant the same thing. For about 99.5% of humans in the world, it still does.
The sentiment of "we can't go back and we can't stay here" is such a good one
Interesting to see how many biologists and scientists completely changed their paradigm overnight (relatively speaking) for fear of criticism and mob bullying
That was an excellent narrative Heather, look forward to reading your book. I learned plenty in that little bit of time.
Thank you for tackling this issue so sincerely with rationale, walking through the whole logic and common misconceptions and fallacies. Truth will prevail
This was great. It was not the standard trans debate talking points. Super nuisanced and respectful but honest. We need more of this in society!
I guess it's a sign of progress that you have to write a book to explain what was obvious to every adult 20 years ago.
An incredibly balanced, compassionate and honest conversation that must be had. Thank you!
This video is perfect for the times. I like your discernment of good vs bad information. Excellent job.
100% agree with the statements on porn that can be applied to both men and women. Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Avoid pornography like it is the Bubonic Plague.”
Interesting that Nicaragua is the first example. The USA's role in 20th century Nicaraguan history was utterly appalling. No compensation, or apology, has ever been given.
I'm a tom boy and I hate being treated like a woman, I tolerate it though. Still I am proud to be a woman, when I was a kid I hated being a girl. Nothing but barbies and dresses, just not lady like to get dirty or climb trees, never stopped me though. Still I know that despite the fact that I am very strong for a woman I quickly realized that my younger brothers easily overpowered me in play fights once they hit puberty. I usually win play fights against my husband as he is gentle and I'm so wriggly. I know for certain that if I ever had a full blown fist fight with my husband, he might get a black eye or a broken nose and I would likely have a fractured skull or perhaps a broken neck.
I was once a man trapped in a woman's body and then I was born!
Wow! This video really packed it allll in, in such a beautiful and respectful way. Men & women are at their BEST when we can work together and bring balance. I hope this episode spreads to as many people as possible and helps open the eyes of so many lost souls out there. Thank you After Skool!!!
Can’t help but feel that five years ago this video would’ve been less than five minutes long.
It was an honor to work with Heather Heying. If you enjoyed this video, check out her book and please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon. Thank you!
Never thought I would see a time where people go from saying there are 2 genders to saying there are more
I'm an old-school transsexual with so many natural feminine sex characteristics that I might as well be borderline intersex, even if not with a diagnoseable condition. Perhaps I am one of the early victims of atrazine and other endocrine disruptors, or perhaps it's something genetic. Either way, I ask for understanding. Shouting "mental illness" at me doesn't change the reality of my situation. I am not delusional, but dysphoric. I'm fully in touch with reality, the problem is the reality is uncomfortable. My brain clearly has a female-like structure, and that's the most relevant to who I am as a person. I often passed by accident even before transitioning. I don't want to pressure anyone else into transition, and it disgusts me that this is happening to children. All I want is to be me, and to help solve the mystery of this condition so nobody else has to suffer like I have.
40:55 is one of the most important points of the whole video IMO. Maybe if we could figure that one out, feminists wouldn't be pushing ALL women into roles they personally may not desire. We must do more to honor the role of raising the next generation than we do currently. Money cannot be the measure of your life. This MUST be done as an entire culture, NOT just dumping it on an individual to somehow feel honored and appreciated by themselves.