I went through every line spoken in Man of Steel, BVS, and Justice League and Superman 1978. The reason the dialogue is a little confusing is because there were no other usable lines (except for two lines that I cut). Consider this video as a metaphor for Henry Cavill thanking Reeve for passing the torch. It's to honor the past and the present and I hope you can find some enjoyment. Happy Easter!
My two favorite Supermen finally meeting each other… God I wish we could have gotten this as a film.
Christopher Reeve is the iconic standard of Superman. And Henry Cavil is the very next best thing...
I like that Superman just made a quick stop to check up on Superman. What a nice and caring man. 🙂
R.I.P Christopher Reeve. You’ll always be the one true original man of steel.
To the great late Christopher Reeves, you are missed And to Henry Cavill, great job. Super men
Best of luck, Henry. The studios may not have had enough faith in you, but the fans are still grateful for the time we had.
-Talk about tears to my eyes..! -Christopher Reeve, for all time..! -R.I.P..!
The 1978 movie came out 30 years before I was born but it's still one of my most favorite superhero movies
This is such a wholesome interaction it would really fit a super man no way home movie
Reeve superman: "I once met a man like us when i first started, their was alot of sadness behind his eyes and i felt bad for him, but it was a situation where i knew with all my powers and with all of his, their was no way to help him. Hold onto hope and the people closest to you, its the way to keep strong even when the world is against you."
A beautiful tribute to two great Supermen. Well done....
Just imagine a world where Reeves made a cameo in Cavill's Superman movie ❤😢
Who is here after Reeve's cameo in the Flash
Henry Cavill Superman: Thank you. For believing in me. Christopher Reeve Superman: I didn't need to. I always knew you would do great.
It's so nice to see Christopher Reeves as Superman again. I don't see another actor ever surpassing how Reeves embodied Superman.
This is wonderful. I remember when the Superman movies would be on TV and we would always watch them. Absolutely brilliant! So wholesome!
Superman and Superman meeting each other. Thats a great multiverse concept
This was really touching. A wonderful tribute. Thank you.