This video taught me one thing which is: learn to be handy or marry a handyman lol
I wish I could do this renovation but I don’t have a bald eagle bicep tattoo 😪
I am so glad to see someone who knows how to decorate modern rooms, that don’t just paint all white and add a pink bed sheet and a shit ton of plants
this video is amazing. HGTV without all the repetative drama
I need y’all to reno my imaginary house. This was beautiful.
We uncovered pine wood floors in our old house. We covered them with plywood and laminate because they were damaged and thin. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. The room is beautiful.
The best feeling in one's world when doing demo is discovering hidden gems that your heart desires. Awesomeness 💪
My goodness! The floors and FIREPLACE! Talk about hitting the jackpot! The Room went From HOHUM To DAMN!
Why would people cover hardwood floors with nasty carpet?
Professional painter here. Fantastic job spraying. Out of all the makers that I've seen, you're easily the best painter.
Everyone talking about the wood floors but no one mentioning how he "found" a fireplace. In the beginning he says there's a brick wall and a fireplace right below that, then acts shocked when he reveals the fireplace lmao. Too funny. Still nice work done in this room :)
Measure twice and cut once!!! Amazing how the book case fit! Love it
Really nice transformation! It went from dark and dank to light, bright, clean and beautiful. Awesome job! I feel inspired. :)
Love the hardwood floors and the built-in shelves. Fireplace was a great surprise but found have definitely looked into a way to make it work again. Had warmth for winter and a romantic glow in the evening
Great video in content and style! PLEASE do more like this. I like the workshop videos as well, but this video is the same style as the DIY network shows that started me on my workshop journey over a decade ago.
Up to this put I can say I've watched 100+ room renovation videos. This one is by far the most satisfying
Great video. I could imagine the neighbors setting up lawn chairs just to watch you and Sam lift that bookshelf.
This was awesome!!!! Beautiful room and a delight to watch. Loved it👍 Peace and Love✌💗 from sunny🌅 Greece💦⛵
"Try it at a friends house" Haha! Your humor mixed with good ole American work ethic and amazing finished product, this is why a subscribe. Keep up the great work, God Bless!