This relaxing music lulls me to sleep in few minutes. Thank you!
I've never met you, maybe we never will. But, you found my comment. Take this as a sign that things will get better, things will be okay, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles brought you here, or if you're just here to relax and unwind, remember that you matter, you are valuable, and you have a right to be here. You are stronger than you know. You are still here, trying to make things better and live a better life. Whatever keeps you up at night, it is not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you. You can take this as the nonsense of a stranger, or you can trust me. Whatever you choose, I believe in you. Put your hand on your heart. Take a deep breath. Maybe
G n sweet dreams who ever is reading this God bless everyone
Esa tonada me recuerda a una canción , pero no recuerdo a cual... Creo que es de algún anime
To whoever is reading this review, I wish you much success, health, love and happiness!