Pixel's POV and personality made this way better than i thought it would be :).
"you're being held back by your bad teammates" that one reyna that went 5/27 that one game ๐
Its actually insane one how good these ideas are
I enjoyed Pixelโs POV, it was funny. ๐ Awesome video as always!! ๐๐
9:59 shows how depressed pixel was, you could tell how he was unoptimistic when fighting the jett when he said "it is just an immortal" then being surprised when he gets the kill
Another W from Zammey AND HE GOT PIXEL IN HERE?!??
Seriously though, this is a great simulation of solo queue because you will usually get two duos or a trio, who are working together but giving you no comms.
another great video as usual :virtualhug: pixel got me rolling kekekek
Your videos are insanely well made wtf GL with content creation, how are you this small when your videos are this good?!
Bad teammates definitely hinder gameplay, but at the end of the day you can work around it. Does it require you being annoyingly attentive to information your teammates would otherwise tell you? Yes. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
This experiment is a bit inaccurate as the reyna didn't play in a way that allows him to get use from team. This shows as on defense he was able to get the enemies as the team was "forced" to play with him. Maybe this could be repeated with him trying to bait or play of of the team?
If you can't beat em, join em begins to instalock reyna and die in weird positions every round and scream for sage revive
now we need another experiment but with someone who has bad mental to compare another reason for whty they lose
1:21 my biggest mistake was taking a sip at this point in the video
This is what i feel like in bronze thank goodness i have my duo otherwise would go insane
zammey the goat being as usual
Pixel is basically showing what my games are lol
Poor pixelโฆ truly the bad team experience, and he managed quite well considering.