
Ok, if what Scott said about SB is true, then it makes so much sense! And you know, it makes me think that maybe the mimic is not just damage control. 

But it truly shows that Scott didn't know how to work in a team. You are not supposed to say things like "oh you know, it's up to interpretation" to the people making your game! No wonder why during production they were like "we should add this and this and then this", it's because they were given clues on what they were suppose to do! That's why there was no planning, and therefore why the beta testing was trash! 
They are not your fans, they are developpers! If you do not communicate with them, they won't give you want you want! I am so mad at this!

I feel like the game would have a better reception if the narrative was good.


scott not telling Steel Wool what he wanted for Security Breach is actually insane. wtf did he expect to happen if he wasn’t straightforward?😭 that actually makes me so frustrated.


18:02, so security breach being the way it is isn't even Steel Wools' fault. Scott just didnt give them the full story lmao


The racing game has potential. I can see how it could work. However, the developers have a lot of work ahead of them if they want to turn this around.


I appreciate how dealing with foxy in this is just *explodes you with my mind*


You cannot tell me that TJOC is a FNAF fangame thats some of the highest quality stuff ive seen in a while


I am a time traveler from the year 2055, that is when Loaf becomes a cybernetic cat that cooks tacos for you live on stream. We call her Cyoaf, the cyborg cat. You don’t change, and look exactly the same.


PSA: He has already played into the pit


Scott dethroning Team Cherry for worst developer communication is the most surprising thing to happen this year


Lets go, a jumpscare where the character visually kills you and not just bobs around for a couple seconds


Spiff: We gotta start this night
Foxy: Oh, let me help you with that


25:33 to be honest, only 5 star reviews is also suspicious. There's never only 5 star reviews. It's like a bellcurve. the high and low are unusual.


Hey, there's this one FNAF fangame that's fairly underrated, called "Too Many Nights", that's fairly underrated. In short, it's a --Roguelite FNAF game--. You choose between a selection of random characters each night, and occasionally you either get a shop to buy upgrades or you get forced to choose between downgrades. It's got this unique pixel art style that I haven't really seen anywhere else. Like the name implies, you just keep going until you die too many times, with night 10, night 12, and even night 15 runs being possible if you're absolutely goated at the game.


I instantly figured out why you can drive on walls and *ascend*, it’s a rudimentary gravity system that only indie games are ever caught using lol. Basically it finds an object’s “down” (the wheels or feet, not down-down), and just shoves you that way. So if the bottom of your player just happens to be facing the sky, have fun falling into space


Vehicular manslaughter is now canon to the fnafverse


Scott's notes probably: 
"Springrap is scary in a hidden way"
"Gregory should be ... Special."
"Vanessa and bunny = vanny"
"Freddy is like... an older brother"


Five laps at Freddy's really gives garfield racing vibes


Freddy has the most valid reaction to someone shining a flashlight in his eyes


Jumpscare comparison
Freddy in fnaf 1: just pops up and flails his arms a bit.
Freddy in TJOC: BITES YOUR FOREHEAD OFF and glitches away.
I am glad of how the jumpscares evolved over time


I fully hope the skull merchant spiff was against in dbd was just running lightborn and couldn't be blinded at all lmaooo