
"Send the money to mama account hake controlwe ke sfhebe"😂🔥


The return of Frank Casino😩❤️


"Send the money to mama account hake controlwe ke sfebe"🦍🔥🔥


"AMGs I love em tenders like it's ANC, when it's state capture don't you mention me" sellouts😂🔥🔥somebody give Frank Casino an apron 🍳🥘


Bro Reece said it. Watch out for Frank Casino❤️🤞🏾🔥


Heavenly father I pray you keep the person that’s reading this alive, safe, healthy and financially blessed Amen 🙏🏽


So 25K brought back Frank Casino, Nice One!!


Growth, Quality, Delivery, Production, and Perfect Feature. Chef kiss... Zoocci Coke Dope Is ReAlLy ThE TRUE DEALER 😤😤😤😤😤


Frank Casino come alive my dawg👏1632 Boy


Let’s all agree that 25K is the King of Pitori Rap


Frank Casino's verse up there with the greatest🙆🏾‍♂️😭🔥


"25 ...that's when I got rich, I never been the same ever since"


yo frank casino needs more respect bro has never missed!


“Me and zoocci coke, that’s two dealers…”


''Been a Mac, like I am Vince. I ain't never had to ConVINCE. These bars been on convict.'' -- Ma-Casino


For Every Like I get I'll come back and Listen to This Banger Again!!🔥🇿🇦


i'm the type that repeats this song 100x, you the type that does the same🔥🔥🔥


I'm The Type To Go Platinum😭🔥💪🏽


I swear to God 25K is on album mode


"you the type to buy her a Louie purse while your homies' starving". 😓😓😓💎💎💎💎🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒