
Your videos are so soothing! No bla bla, no dogs, no cats but lots of information. 👍👍👍


Sigo atentamente a tus proyectos.👌
Gracias por compartir tu experiencia y tiempo.
Saludos desde Argentina.


Good work. Thanks for the videos


Good idea my friend❤❤❤


👍! Good idea !


you are on top as always


good idea 🎇


Muy buena idea


Saludos cordiales desde Cuba me gustan tus vídeos tienes muy Buenos equipos😊❤


Nice t-shirt


Ficou bom.👍 Com Ø do eixo menor seria possível utilizar na parafusadeira em baixa rotação.😊


Very nice, very useful tool 😇🙏


I just use a large wood router 45deg. v-bit glued into a 3d printed handle(also work great as countersinks and the cutting forces are so much lower than the typical countersinks that using them is a breeze by comparison.....)


What is a lathe plate and what does it have to do with the tool?


Missä pakan suojus?


Num vi nada


Это ручная зенковка?
Ручка у прибора хорошая, а вот зенковка с ручным приводом...


daruf hat jeder gewartet !

