
Sooo true, most of the people in Pune don't wear helmets, and neither the cops care about it. People from Mumbai and Delhi have a surprise when they ride in Pune.


The crazy thing is when traveling through shivaji nagar if the traffic is really bad , cops will make two wheelers climb on foot path !!!😂 Welcome to Vice City 🗿


Fine for helmet
 fine for stop at red light
Fine for use indicators
Fine for using normal light
Fine for normal exhaust
Fine for not doing stunts

Pune is not for beginners😂😂😂😂😂


Hello bro👋 I am recently discovered your channel and now I love ❤ your channel


So so true brother


Puneris not only not wear helmets but also substitute red light for green 🤡


hahaaa funny story….once i was in the front at a traffic stop with around 12 seconds to green light and behind me there was this pune uncle on his activa who honked and yelled at me “ata kay hirva zalyavr nighnar ka lavdya” 😅 and i had absolutely no comeback🥲


I don't know how people will stare and judge  him if he was wearing his riding gears ! 😂


Sir, you have been arrested for being an upright Citizen


its true, Pune is not for beginnners xD


Only one rule: don't run a red light and get caught here...


I saw the notification pressed it then already 657 likes wow


Hari oum


Hi brother


पुणे तिथे काय उणे 😅


Hi Anurag, why do you keep making content in English? I have started my channel and I like to keep the conversation in English for a broader audience. But I also keep hearing from friends and family to make it in hindi. You must have faced this as well. What are your thoughts on this?