


Nux made a segment on his video basically saying ā€œI fully support Muta publicly cutting ties with me if thatā€™s what he believes to be best for himā€ once Nux said that I checked out of this ā€œcontroversyā€ bro dealt with it like an adult.


The sonichu pendant is a straight up special grade cursed object at this point


Honestly the worst part of Mutas video was the part near the end where he basically verbatim said : "People shouldn't be going after me in this situation, they should be going after Nux", which re contextual ises the whole video, from owning up to mistakes to going after Nux


Lolicon haters change their definition of "loli" to suit their argument.

Its perfectly illustrated with Dropout. Dropout is ALL sub 18yr olds. But none of them look that way, so Muta's fine with it. 
But people like Muta called Uzukichan Wants to Hang out CP cause even though the girl is in her 20s, has a body that is very clearly adult, but she's short.
Conversely, they'll give a pass to Steven Universe corn all day.


One step closer to Tectone understanding that fiction isn't real and looking up terms himself is vastly more helpful than hearsay.


Nux and Hermes released their podcast episode last night. The topic? This. And the very first thing Nux said was that he just spent 2 hours before recording the podcast, in a call with Muta, hashing things out, and they are friends again. Now, Hermes would go on to say what I think a fair number of others will say; Muta, since he made things public, needs to publicly announce this as well. Nux didn't feel the same, but that's Nux. If people are curious on the whole discussion, go check it out. But Nux was able to solve it before it escalated any further, and was able to restore his friendship. So overall, I think we can lay this drama to rest.


Imma be honest, I donā€™t get why thereā€™s so much outrage for people liking Loli style character or other anime archetypes. It all seems like a first world problem that I canā€™t take seriously. 

It also reminds me of the early 2000s video game outrage where people used to believe playing violent video games would make you violent in the real world.


Mutahar is a joke. Nux handled this much better than him


Stop calling people pedos for cartoon shit, its that simple. There are hundreds of insults you can use for people into cartoons you think are gross. But calling someone a pedo is not an insult its an accusation, if you truely think they are call the police. Because if you are letting someone you really think is a pedo be out there you are just as bad. Cartoons arent real, just stop looking at the stuff you dont like.


This is such flawed logic coming from Tectone. Tectone calling someone "looks like a pedo" is any less insulting than "is a pedo" šŸ˜‚. Both are just disgusting and insulting.


8:50 the full sentence that Rev is manipulating was that Nux off handedly mentioned how he still respects Rev enough to not upload that video to his main "Nux Taku" channel because it would get more views there and get youtube itself to start cracking down on this Rev guy.


"You enjoy playing GTA? You must be a criminal IRL"

See how dumb it sounds when you arent talking about fictional teenagers and rage baiting using terms like "loli"

Ill take people being weird on the internet all day over actual IRL criminals and pervs thank you very much


Tectone that's the point, loli isn't about age but looks. The point is that short doesn't equal child and that loli isn't about age. That's the point that people on twitter dont know what the word actually meansšŸ˜…. It's an aesthetic, so you can be a 24 year old short woman and be a loli if you meet the cute aesthetic. There a loads of anime with adult lolis that are treated like adults, like Rebecca


The problem with being a hypocrite is whenever you do so while excusing your participation in something you believe is unjustifiable.

"I believe this to be CP", proceeds to distribute alleged CP

"Lolis are children.", Can be shown to have a long history of gooning at well-known Lolis or Regularly goons after depictions of actual children.


These are only fictional characters, the idea that people get upset over lollies being in adult material is just stupid. 

It would be nice if we could concentrate on real crimes instead of fictional ones like this.


My argument has always been that lolicon is fake. If you think Kanna looks anything like a REAL, human child, idk what to tell you. 
But sure, Kannaā€™s a little childish in behavior, so instead, letā€™s look up Bache from Azur Lane. Now compare her with any kid character from a Ghibli film. THAT is what an actual loli character looks like next to a depiction in anime of whatā€™s intended to be a REAL child.


These 2 grown ass adult men seething over petite smol cute anime girl, let that sink in for a moment...


Sorry but saying that Rebecca from Cyberpunk isn't a loli is just cope.


So like, I like Lolis, from the time I was 12 I've always loved the lolita style with the adorable dresses and lovely hairstyles, I like cute girls in general and its how I personally also like to present albeit in a more adult way since I am one. I feel like people a lot of times are unable to separate reality and fiction the same way they do with an author and their writings. Liking cute things is not inherently a red flag, personally I don't care or see the appeal in sexualized lolis but a lot of times I do like their personalities, most anime characters in general don't act like kids anyway so I don't see them as such generally speaking. Is it a gateway for some people? For sure, I don't  doubt it, but people villanize it a lot more than it actually deserves. They don't even look remotely real, I'm more worried about people who thought or treated them like real people.