
This is my favorite song of theirs. Her voice. Those notes. It's hard.
She's talking to herself. She's the dear sweet innocent thing that needs to dry her eyes and sacrifice. It also speaks on a larger level on how we all create irrational fears in our minds and let them take over.


The first time I heard her voice, I was hooked! She is another vocalist who sounds like an angel


So many amazing songs they have, this being another one of them


Oh, this was a pleasure! I have this CD and haven't listened to it in a while. This was a total banger but was never played on the radio.


She is just as energetic and killer vocals in her LIVE performances. She's a badass πŸ’―


Without question my favourite Evanescence song!


Wow, this is my favorite Evanescence song. The lyrics are phenomenal. So relatable to me about a number of things. I'm so glad it affected you like it did because I get it, dude.


She is definitely an awesome vocalist


Evanescence: My Heart Is Broken is one of their best! ❀❀❀  Amy!


Just an incredible voice, really enjoyed this β€” never heard this group before, fantastic! Thanks family for suggesting it. Strength in her voice


Hello or Tourniquet. Anything from Fallen is a must-listen.


And God,smiling,  seeing a newborn baby girl, reached down,and gently touched the throat of that baby girl, giving her the voice of an angel.  And that baby girl was Amy Lee.


Broken by Seether ft. Amy Lee


Was literally just listening to  Evanescence... Going Under, Everybody's Fool & Bring Me To Life. But after this reaction video I will be putting on *My Immortal*. 

Note: this is my first time listening to this song by Evanescence as well... Love this channel been watching for a long time MY BOY JAY still at it πŸ‘€



* Hello
* Lacrymosa


They also covered Dirty Diana by michael jackson one of her musical influences


Amy Lee has one of the best voices imo


More Evanescence would be amazing. Lost in Paradise and Good Enough are great songs. Keep doing your thing, thanks for posting videos on the regular!


I recommend Evanescence β€œGOOD ENOUGH”. Great song that also showcases her great piano playing. πŸ‘πŸŽΉπŸ₯‚

Speaking of piano, a return to BILLY JOEL would be great. May I suggest HIS DUET with/the late, great RAY CHARLES called β€œBABY GRAND”. πŸ‘πŸ₯‚


Wow I haven't heard this Evanescence song before and this one is pretty cool so thanks for reacting to this