
The cry out for Eric to come back at the end 😭 we all felt that MEKKI LEEPER COME HOMEEEEEEEE


Gracie and Mia are such awesome additions to the group! I absolutely love their energy!


i also first thought of gilmore girls when they talked about 24 hour danceathon


Love that Amrit is here for this video.


i love gracie’s big glasses SO MUCH


the gilmore girls reference was all i needed


Alyah is gorgeous!


i love mia's voice


pauline and alyah look sooo pretty here!


Love that she called out the BEST Gilmore girls episode


they are so beautiful omg...


Alyah is so beautiful


wait why'd alyah make that face at 10:35


i can't stop smiling bruh




my babies!


Boardersbbc cast next and Newtopia jisoo jungmin 🙏🏾🙏🏾


why would yall not choose tatum she’s the bestttt plssss 😭😭😭

