
That chess board tripped me out dog


I think the 2nd biggest reason to buy this course, debatabely 1st, is hearing Marshal's incredible radio voice!


That looks so cool


Amazing!!.. Really amazing!
Thanks you for this great video with great information!!


So long awaited


short but good video


Love it!


It’s super ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Bro's chessboard


I want this Chess ♟️ Board !😅


Wooow, with the chessboard my eyes got dizzy at times because of the confusion. 😂 Very nice illusion, another tool I can use. Thanks, proko!😄


The chess board is hurting my eyes


Intriguing chessboard illustration


Basis for the flower of life too and as above so below, many occult usages actually




1st❤ great video^^ 
perspective is an really interesting but also hard part of drawing


Ooh nice idea


Crunchwrap supreme


when is the next lesson going to come out in the perspective course


For a moment i thought i hear Morgan Freeman … than I realized it’s just Marshall!😅 

Great advice and instructions though! 👍