
People are hating on salt even more (originally for calling everything OP) because of the day 1 stream, no mic, and half of the screen is blurred which made more streamers do the same thing.

Salvation edge was impossible to watch on twitch because almost everyone had no screen and no mic.

I got banned because I asked ''why streaming in the first place?".

People started gloating even more when sundered race was finished first by a team who didn't blur their screens nor muted their mics.


Pantheon, but for dungeons. If you finish all the challenges, you get a title called “Dungeon Master”


Thanks to that bug, the swamp you walk into after the encounter will forever be known as "The Swamp of relief."


On the Salt "not popping off on people," he absolutely does. He's frequently an absolute ass to anyone who disagrees with him on any level. He just frequently blocks people after an argument and deletes all his comments to hide his bullshit. The dude has explicitly stated "Idgaf about any other players; I just want the game to be fun for me and my friends" his friends being the super hardcore top 1% raiders. This was an argument I was having with him that started out civil where I pointed out that his ideas would be horrible for the game's overall health since everything that wasn't a strike would become pretty unapproachable for most players


Dude the Otzdarva mention at 10:30 hit me like a truck. Otzdarva is wicked smart so he would have a blast working out mechanics like that


Pantheon but with Dungeons


the issue with salt in my view. Is that if you dont agree with his views. He acts like you should not be playing the game. He has a arrogance about him if your not a developer or streamer who can help his bottom line. You should not disagree with him.. cause he knows better.


Raid secrets have been starving for years before vesper came out. No wonder they've solved it in first days.


9:36 We HATE Saltagreppo because he is just a giant nerd come race time: Raid (& now dungeon races) used to be fun (at least for me) because you got to see the best of the best blaze the path forward for everyone, while you and your team either tried to learn the mechanics on your own, or follow along because nothing was blurred, no mics really were muted. It was fun, raw, and chaotic, and the memories I remember when I tried my hand in these were SO MUCH FUN. Guess who brought blurring your screen and muting your mics to discuss mechanics and overall stripped the fun away? Salt. Now all these top competing teams are doing some form of degeneracy that Salt introduced. Was it inevitable and I have rose-tinted glasses? Maybe. But whoever wouldve brought it in wouldve been dogged on, and I will always dog on losers that strip the essence of fun away from these events, and I am happy to know I am not alone in that.


Nah, screw Salt cause he's an Elitist and a mass complainer at the same time. Calling nerfs for weapons that didn't need to be nerfed.


The reason hate salt isn’t because he’s not nice, he’s just a baby within the community who cry’s and complains over and over again


If I had to put money on it, I think Vesper’s Host was originally timegated as well, but the gates were removed because the other gates of the season were removed.


1:50 Bro, they literally said that they are going to use raids and dungeons to continuously deliver story for frontiers. It will happen again.


The explore option does have a few secret encounters that don't spawn in the match made mode. For instance, after killing the boss in the Tomb area, 5 small taken balls spawn in, and if you shoot them they spawn a taken phalanx. Killing all 5 spawns a chest.


After the game having one of its worst all time low player counts why are people surprised they did this? Nobody should be. They need to keep people playing week to week or the game "dies" again.


The problem with Salt that he is prefers ruining the watching experience for his viewers by muting his comm bluring his ingame chat & cam to win the race for the dungon I hate it that  whats wrong with him, that's why I stop watching him .


9:44 I dont know. Maybe the salt hate is for the following:
His yelling for nerfs of items he uses to crutch. While saying they shouldnt be crutched on.
His bragging about his "world first" titles

The fact that he blurs his screen during raids so that noone can use info

The fact that when everyone started doing the same suddenly he wasnt first place and was getting stuck

The rumors (heard they have reciepts to but cant find them) that he uses raid leaks and such

Say what you will. He may be a nice guy to you streamers. But there is a reason the average player may hate him. Imagine the amount of braindead players who mindlessly echo his opinions because of how famous he is. 

If he were to say "hey these are my opinions. Form your own" to stop using his titles to back himself up. Stop blurring his screens just so he can try to win. People would likely hate him less


Oh, that shrieker bug is why whisper was doing so bad. Ik linears are this season's dps hotness, but that bossfight is the IDEAL scenario for whisper since total damage has a chance to shine due to the insane damage phase length. I was so frustrated when whisper's total damage was like 400k for an entire phase. I just chalked it up to unique coding on it


The dungeon time gate is almost certainly because the end results are more story related than other dungeons. Unfortunate for a couple of weeks but it'll be a small blip on the D2 radar. I also expect that's why the emblem date was moved to the following Tuesday as well.


The hate for Salt is justified. Hes such a douche, even moreso blocking out or muting his mic during a new raid. Hes literally a salty, sweaty nerd.