I don't know, something tells me these guys wunna be more than friends 🎵
Literally had this stuck in my head for half of 2024
Marks intro was on point! Haha I cant believe you didnt include "pick it horns!"😅
Zach's rap there was everthing!
My brain gets so excited when I see hot chooks at Woolies or Coles because of this and the day is better for the constant loop of “chicken in a bag”
This better be on Spotify
Finally get to hear the best banger of the year again
Holy crap, this is gonna be in my head all day😢... Chicken in a baaaaag 🎶 🎵 🪕 🎼
I need this on Spotify
The horns gives it a Sony Ericsson MusicDJ vibe that's very nostalgic
No bull, this fkn song gets stuck in my head like every week
I really enjoyed the more than friends remix. It added a lot of sexual tension and inrigue to the podcast.
Thanks for the advice, now I have 2 whole chickens in my freezer
I love it more than anything else in the entire universe!!!!
These needs another remix
Yeah, chicken in a bag!!
Best song ever
Need as ringtone ❤
I can't wait for the music video