
"so string theory, you are not dead?" "Nope, I'm a frayed knot". Sorry...I couldn't resist.🤣🤣


Reminds me of the debate in the early 20th century over the energy source of stars: contraction vs Something Else. In 1920, Sir Arthur Eddington wrote: "Only the inertia of tradition keeps the contraction hypothesis alive - or rather, not alive, but an unburied corpse..."


Make prediction just out reach -> get funding for a larger collider -> no evidence found -> admit the energy scale must have been incorrect -> make prediction just out of reach -> ...


Tip from an audio engineer. To stop P's popping. Hold your hand in front of your face. Say pop pop pop and feel the burst of air.  Move your hand to the side while not turning your head to where you can't feel the pop of your breath. That is where your microphone should go. The microphone can pick up extremely well from any location around your face. You do not have to be facing it. I find the best position is at the shoulder. But in order to keep my customers from turning their head and talking towards the mic as they are inclined to do I put a dummy mic in front of them and instruct them to talk into it.  Also, for speech cut about 20dB from 100Hz and below. And raise 1k to 2k about 10dB.  That gets rid of the low bass rumbling and accents the consonants making speech more intelligible. This is obviously not a suitable EQ for music but it is good for speech.


I sneezed and Sabine's video closed. I will devote the rest of my life to pondering the deeper meaning of this miraculous event.


I now have images of Michio Kaku shambling around mumbling, “Branes! Branes! Branes!”


At 3:07 you’ve reminded me of something I ran across the other day... this isn't quite right, but basically, "if you can't test it, don't bother me with it." 👍
... Thanks, you are doing good stuff by clearing away the gobbledygook! (IMHO)❤


In the 90's I decided not to pursue a career in Theoretical High Energy Physics because it was all focused on String Theory and M-Theory, which I regarded as horse pucky.  Seeing where String Theory has gone and how little progress has been made on GUT, I'm thankful for my own precocious wisdom.


How string theory works. Spin a yarn. Make it last as long as possible. When the audience tires, give it a different twist. Then,  knit the whole thing into a pair of socks, one for each spin of the yarn. Lose one in the wash. The remaining sock must be true. Thank you.


No braner.


I’m sure there’s a universe where string theory works. Somewhere. Somewhen.


I really do appreciate the straight forwardness with which Sabine summarizes science.


Could not agree more. I'm an atomic physicist and I'm annoyed we're still funding this sterile direction. There are many areas of physics that could put the money to much better use. You know... something that actually benefits humanity in the near future.


We should make a giant Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Measuring Antenna (LIGMA), consisting of many ball-like satellites that we would put dozens of AU apart. If it's still not enough to verify String Theory, then it would mean that our LIGMA Balls are not enough and we should use even bigger detector.


I loved that undead joke 🤣 it had me lmao! I feel the exact same way about it


“….each time it happened, physicists made the theory more complicated.”  The word that sprung to mind was “epicycles” 😀


String Theory Isn’t Dead. It just smells funny.


I agree with you. I (vaguely) remember in the "Elegant Universe" documentary (an overall great show), one of the guys who defined the "Standard Model" argued (convincingly so) that String Theory was not actually science because it was inherently unprovable (or undisprovable for that matter). I am a huge admirer or Popper and his argument for the solidity of a theory by easily it can be disproven is still sound. Your video just solidified the opinion I already formed back then that String Theory is just an "elegant mathematical model" that will appeal to mathematicians but has zero relation to reality (and actual physics for that matter)! This is the sort of stuff that I love most about your channel! Keep it going!
One more thing. The whole part of "String Theorists" inventing new workarounds to "explain" recent discoveries that were contradicting their theory reminds me a lot of what Carl Sagan (who himself was not infallible but at least had the greatness to acknowledge when he was wrong and my son's middle name is Carl is his honor) said about that "pink dragon in the garage". The first test "can I see it" should have already invalidated the claim. But instead the goal posts are moved. The (what I would call) mental gymnastics by string theorists to find "new ways" to fit their theory to new discoveries that contradict their "elegant universe" really reminds me of that.  "Well I can't see the dragon." "That's because it is invisible". "Well can I hear it then?" "it is very quiet"
You get my point, I am sure.


My wife loves pens and hates string theory. This is the perfect gift, thank you!!


Physics once became the poster child of science because it had tremendous predictability power. Now it's so close to the frontier of our research capabilities that it basically does what other branches of science do - create numerous post-factum explanatory models with very limited predictability.