
this is the castor oil I highly recommend https://amzn.to/4aQfrD6  🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Alert new video ✨️✨️-  Old Doctors: We Mixed CASTOR OIL and BAKING SODA to Treat 19 Health Issues:
 https://youtu.be/J4Zuwnljso0 ❤❤


I am using it on growths/tumours that my 14 year old dog has been getting.  Twice a day I dab it on and watch them shrink and heal. The vets answer to the initial tumour was a $1000 operation to remove it.. I have not yet told them that I have successfully removed them with castor oil!


NEVER consult with a “Healthcare Physician”. That is where everyone goes wrong. You are better off doing your own research. Unless you have an “Alternative Healthcare Physician”, going to a traditional Wester Doctor is almost always a bad idea as these people are trained on health wrong.


I have osteoarthritis in my knees and they hurt so bad I'm approved for knee replacement but afraid to do it I started rubbing castor oil on my knees and honestly the pain has lesson its unbelievable I can actually go walking again with less pain. Also thanks to the lord I pray every morning and night for a healing and it's happening


I've been using caster oil on moles, warts, and small tumors. All completely disappeared. I am shocked at the amazing results.


I'm a 55 y/o male, worn glasses since first grade (near sighted & "legally blind" which means I can't see sh** without glasses). Over the past year I have been cleaning my diet up to currently pine, brazil, and walnuts, salads with dry tuna and/or hard boiled egg, avo and black olives, and occasional various ripe fruit. I'm losing weight and a fatty liver problem I've had for years is starting to heal. I started using castor oil about two weeks ago, just rubbing it into skin on face, liver area, arms, and eyes. I'm already noticing brown spots on skin all over fading and a tightening of skin on face especially. Dark areas under my eyes are also lightening. I have been putting one drop in each eye every night before bed, along with massaging more castor oil all around my eyelids and face. The drops in the eyes are very soothing and cause me no irritation whatsoever. The first couple nights I did this I would wake up with my eyes "glued" shut. I'd find my way to the bathroom and wash out a LOT of yellowish-white, mushy goop. From about the 4th morning on my eyes would feel sticky and dry but I could open them. There was no longer the "goop", but a combination of creamy white oily substance and also very thin, sometimes fairly long strands of mucous like stuff. The presence of all of this substance would sting my eyes and the sting would always subside upon removal by washing my eyes. I'm quite certain the stinging is not from castor oil. I know from years of experimenting with various diets and foods that this substance has been stored in my head (probably in lymph glands) as a result of eating both raw and cooked seed oils (fried food), mayonnaise, and some dairy products like cheese. Most astoundingly, in the past 2-3 days when I take my glasses off I am noticing a fairly substantial improvement in my vision. I still need my glasses to see, but when I look around without glasses there is a sharpness to my vision that I have not had for as long as I can remember.

I know this is long but I have read over a thousand comments on this page and I know there's a decent amount of trepidation about using castor oil in the eyes. (Just remembered I also have been ingesting a teaspoon full before bed the past 2 nights and will be increasing that to a tablespoon from here on). My experience, after two weeks using castor oil, is that it has only beneficial effects in and around my eyes and no downside whatsoever. Fwiw, the castor oil I am using is from Heritage and it is vegan, cold pressed, organic, hexane free in an amber glass bottle. Best wishes to all who read this! 😃

9/13/24 Update: Thought I'd add a brief important update... I stopped ingesting the castor oil because, well, it's been having some "powerful" effects on my intestines if ya know what I mean. When that little spoonful of oil kicks in you best be near a bathroom because things are going to move and holding it is NOT an option!!! I'm still putting a drop in each eye before bed and have noticed no deleterious effects from doing so. My vision is noticeably improved but not to the extent that I can do much of anything without my glasses.

10/6/24 Update: I have continued putting 1-2 drops of castor oil in each eye before bed fairly consistently, occasionally missing a night but not very often. The improvement in my eyesight seems to have plateaued, at least for now, but still I am very happily surprised by this level of improvement, considering I have used glasses since I was 6. I occasionally put it on my arms and legs and notice benefits to my skin, but have been more consistent putting it on my face and particularly around my eyes before bed. I have also continued ingesting a teaspoon full before bed 3-4 days a week.


as a 50 year old woman, i would like to clarify. i am NOT a senior


I remember our medicine cabinet back in the 50's was Castor Oil, Mecurocrom, we called it Merk, vicks, bufferin, baking soda, bandaids, and Vaseline. My oldest sister is 80, the other 5 siblings are up there in age and I'm the youngest senior citizen. Mom just passed away at 99.


1:21 sleep 
2:35 joint pain
3:23 laxative 
4:04 skin moisturiser 
5:13 boost circulation


I’m 72 years old with balding hair! Since I started Castor Oil massaging it on my scalp, my hair starts growing stronger and thicker. I always make the Sign of the Cross before the procedure and whisper: Jesus, I trust in You. Amen Alleluia! I’m happy! Good day! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


It's working for me. On my feet and legs, knees every night. I see a improvement in swelling and joint pain. 6 months now, also my eyebrows are going back and im 64. Every one is different but I believe in It working.


I use it for my eyesight  every night I rub a drop of castor oil on my eyelids also on my eyelashes it really helps you will notice a difference in a couple weeks, I also rub it on my eyebrows my hair grew back this will grow your hair back I always leave it on going to bed and sometimes in the morning too I'm 70 yrs old


I’m not a senior but I’ve been using castor oil for a month and the benefits are amazing! Barbara O Neil is really who you should look up!


I had a ganglion cyst on my hand that came out of nowhere in December 2023, I was on a YouTube page about castor oil and someone commented that they had this cyst. The person said they applied castor oil to the hand for a couple of weeks and it disappeared. I was scheduled to see a specialist after my 10 day trip overseas. When I returned home I decided to apply the castor oil to the ganglion cyst within 2 weeks it was gone. I still went to the specialist just in case I needed an mri or something… he said for what there’s nothing to there but if it returns he would drain it and give a cortisone shot. The ganglion cyst never came back every now and again I still massage my hand with castor oil. I was amazed at the results of the castor oil dissolving the cyst.


My Mother told me she took castor oil when she was pregnant with me and way overdue. I came out the next day. Biggest baby in the hospital!


I from Sri Lanka Colombo Sarath Dassanaike a Sinhalese and a Theravada Buddhist 
When we were kids my mother would give us Castor oil one tbs each weekend early morning 
It was so effective 
It's was given to my children my wife they were kids 
All of us in good health and well-being 
I now 80 yrs age 
I lived in USA California State Los Angeles many years and in Arizona State in Gilbert City


Had a brown spot on my face near my ear! About the size of a nickel! Started off small got bigger and getting thick! Raised off the skin! Started putting castor oil on it and its gone after 2 months! Its ridding my skin of age spots or sun spots whatever you want to call it! It cures everything and makes eye brows grow!


As a former pharmaceutical rep all prescription products have side effects. I believe in naturopathic solutions


Back in the 1950s and 60s we were given a teaspoon of castor oil every day, we were tough and hardly ever got ill.


I have worked in and still work in very dusty jobs.  I discovered years ago that a few drops of castor oil in the eyes before bed floats all the debris out of the eyes.  The crust has to be washed away in the morning.  I have found that castor oil is becoming less available so I bought a 5L bottle.  That will last me a long time.  Castor plants grow everywhere here so I have to learn how to extract the oil.