Spiff will always find the most bullshit hard challenges in games and then make it look like I could do it with 3 hours of sleep on a Sunday night
spiff crawling into the tank is genuinely terrifying, imagine your in battle safe in your tank that you designed, than you eventually get stuck... and see somebody half your size contorting their body and breaking their limbs to get in through the hole in the wheel, that is horrifying
18:52 Davinci screaming as the halfling managed to rat its way into his tank was very fitting
As a Halfling/Leprechaun, I can confirm that this video shows our strength, which is in numbers
I'm starting to think that obtaining the name 'spiff' just causes people to gain an instinctive capability to break games in the most chaotic and perfectly balanced ways possible
spigg's upload history is crazy when you don't know what he's streamed, fnaf, tabs, the muppet resident evil, CAN NEVER PREDICT IT
I would love to see a whole series on this! Seeing the Halfling crawl into the tank was hilarious
spiff is singehandedly repairing the halflings morale after literally every other tabs youtuber tortures them
I am amazed that he managed to sneak his halfling into the tank like that, he is shockingly dexterous with the unit possession
Much like the 'Everyone Spawns every 15 seconds' video this once again alternates between Spigg treating the enemies like pets and doing everything possible to destroy them with his little halfling hands. Edit: Yes I'm the same person who posted that comment on the SB Multiverse video. You can go check.
Spiff playing TABS was something I didnt realise how much I needed in my life
Timestamps: 00:00 The Renaissance 03:31 The Ballon Archers 08:35 Committing to the Challenge 13:16 The Staircase Strat 15:55 The Tank/The Massacre of '23 19:50 More Stair Strats 28:26 Just guns? 30:51 The Final Battle 37:21 The Future...
I'm so down for Spiff doing a bunch of TABS videos, he's exactly the kind of person you want for a game like this. You could also do this challenge using the bard, since they have an actual ability that distracts enemies and can't really damage anything.
Im happy to see you enjoying TABS. The modding community is also insane. Hope to see you dive into that too
I remember back in the old days of tabs when people just spammed Peasants and just won every fight because of sheer numbers. This video reminds me of that nostalgia, so thanks.
I've never seen someone play this in so long! I remember it being a blast to watch, im happy you are enjoying it too.
This kind of content is what youtube used to be for me. Funny, unique, and with an engaging idea that just is so fun to watch. (Spiff's witty personality helps). It was the most hilarious thing to watch that little halfling wiggle its way into the tank- and Spiffs legitimate reaction to it was the best thing I have witnessed on youtube in years. PLEASE keep making this sort of goofy content, it works so well with the type of videos you normally make! I was dying laughing!
Sauron: Build me an army worthy of Mordor. Spiff: I gotchu, fam.
PLEASE turn this into a series. Went to your VODs the moment i finished the vid, you playing this game is crazy fun to watch