The fact that both Fir and SmallAnt called eachothers spots in moon kingdom is so hilarious. And the fact that they were both such obscure locations makes it so much better.
For those of you who didn't see this live there were a few disconnects in moon kingdom and so Smallant actually had to get up there twice and fir had to keep wall jumping for about 20 extra minutes while people were reconnecting.
I can't stop laughing over the dialogue when you were in the extremely cursed moon kingdom spot "You know, the ridiculous height" "Yeah, I know the ridiculous height jumps"
I absolutely love how smallant got on top of the 8bit area, he's just like "idc if they find me, if they get to me, they deserve the win"
Remind me to never pick a hiding spot that requires constant wall jumping again
I'm really glad you added the temporary invincibility when entering and leaving a sub area. Also, I know you randomly pick kingdoms, but I think it would be really cool to see a dark side/darker side hide and seek as that is the least covered part of the game. I also think it'd be cool to play hide and seek in super star mode, just to bring up the challenge.
Really gotta apprecitate Crafty for making this mod. Its given us so much content and entertainment. Thanks Crafty!
That Moon Kingdom round was the greatest round they've ever played! Fir calling Smant's spot, Poo getting to Smant, Smant calling Fir's spot. Incredible play!!
SmallAnt: Casually says Fir is above the chapel doors. Fir: Predicts Smant's position almost perfectly.
It's incredible to see how far Smant has come, from just doing Little Big Planet, to SMO tutorials, to where we are now. I just wanted to say that we are all proud of you Smant.
I'm loving this wave of uploads, this is the perfect content to relax to
I love that it took longer to find Fir's walljump spot (who got spotted immediately when SmallAnt died) than it took to find SmallAnt (who was literally like 5000ft in the air) lol Awesome Hide & Seek video as always, can't wait for the 8 player stream :D
I absolutely died laughing when Fir said exactly where Smant was. And then died again when Smant said where Fir was in return.
I love that smallant always finds such crazy bizarre spots that he can just say "I'll let you tag me if you can manage it." Dude has mastered so many weird parts of this game.
It's been 5 years since odyssey's release and I'm still so glad that people are still dedicated to this community, coming up with all these crazy mods.
10:27 That dodge was so sick! The ending was really comedic
SmallAnt: COME AND GET ME COWARDS! Just try and reach me. Fir: instantly makes the jump SmallAnt: Surprised Pikachu face
I can't believe they both guessed each other's insanely obscure spots.
I love crafty, such a sweet calm guy, doesn't get angry when getting caught. He's just there to have a good laugh