This world is a window to hell, but it is also a window to heaven. There is absolute beauty here, and absolute evil also. Choose wisely my friend, and may God bless you.
We are in our hell unless we forgive and return to the father
As bad and broken as this earth is, and believe me it's broken. It's nowhere near the brokenness of hell. The difference is that God hears and cares about the peoples cries on earth. He doesn't hear or care about the cries in hell. Make the choice to turn to God and repent folks. God bless.
Humans who live without God are actually creating hell in this world!
This world is still beautiful, a totally self-contained biosphere miracle of God and nature right down to the amoeba.loosing the battle against a quick spreading toxic parasite hell bent on destroying it. Us.
Kind of. I think this world is a preview of what hell is like. But we still see The Most HIGH’s goodness. But when he completely withdraws from the earth and removes the Holy Spirit and the Church that will be Hell! All of the bad, none of the good and No Hope!
The FIRST human being to walk on Earth is returning soon. JESUS IS ADAM... is the title of my book (available worldwide). Learn something new through the synergy of scriptures and science.
Knucklehead when you get to real hell fire this world will be Heaven!