
Ubisoft: Gamers should get used with not owning their Games

Gamers: Fine Ubisoft, you will get used with us NOT buying your Games


Ah yes deadly combo:

°Overpriced Hardwares
°Expensive Games
°Unoptimized/Demanding Games
°Always Online Play
°Under Cutting Features
°Lock Features


Remember when 100$+ games were a collector's editions with real life items like art books, figurines, maybe moldy power armor helmet? 
Can't wait to see exclusive no ads premium editions as the only feature over the base game with 2x the cost.




The WORST thing is that nobody will be surprised when this game fails dramatically and miserably


"Are you confortable with not owning your games yet?" - Ubisoft, probably


Remember no preorder 😃

Edit: ma first 500 like, ty 🥺


If buying isn't owning then piracy isn't stealing.


"Woah woah woah now. You got too much dip on ya chip." Ubisoft. You are F-ING IN SANE!!!! if you think we're paying that. Even for your AAAA game. If its not that AAAA new age experience (Which it won't be. This is Ubisoft we're talking about.) they're gonna be reduced to atoms.


I’m gonna call it: unfinished, unoptimized, riddled with bugs, and a refund scandal of some kind when it releases.


Piracy man. It's 100% discount.


The worst part is so many people will buy it


Put on your hats gentlemens !


Ow many thanks for this. I laughed my ass off.


Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast/Academy remain undefeated!


Thanks for not earraping me at the end 😌


yep, imma wear a nice eye patch for this one


Yarrrr boys, hoist the colours


wait when players found out Sweet Baby Inc. touched this game


If you notice, right next to the price, it's a subscription of Ubisoft Premium to give the same ultimate edition content. They are just increasing the price to push you towards a subscription