Awesome book that gives you step-by-step photos and directions to make every day project. I can see myself making a few of these projects and giving them as housewarming and holiday gifts!
You do have to spend some time setting the saw up... blade, fence, etc. But once done, the saw is great. Fairly compact which is Nice I did get an Incra Miter Gauge which takes some setup as well. The stock miter gauge can be adjusted in the miter slot with a little painter's tape... this tightens up the side to side play a lot.
Absolutely fabulous, as ever. I keep a short length of scrap T track with my sled. It drops into the out feed end of one of the mitre slots and contacts the end of the runner at the point when the face of the fence is directly over the centre of the saw blade. It gives a positive stop so you don't expose too much of the blade through the sled and you know the cut is complete without having to lean over to see.
That sled is a work of art ! No kidding, something that probably only us wood workers can really appreciate. I'm going to be building a table saw sled in the next few weeks or so after my mobile table saw bench, and this is something to shoot for. Well done !
I have, perhaps, watched far too many woodworking videos but after watching Jason I am hooked. Great presentation and I am finding all kinds of new techniques! Did I mention I'm 81 years young?
When sticking two surfaces with contact cement, sometimes I use cooking parchment paper since the contact cement doesn’t stick to it. As a bonus, you can just unpeel the parchment from in between the surfaces once you get it all in place.
This is the most beautiful sled I've ever seen on the internet! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💯
I just got my Bourbon Moth stop block and it’s beautiful and heavy! I’m not shocked at all that it’s well made with quality materials but it’s really nice and I’m excited to finally get the Katz stop block but with Bourbons logo on it. Great job Jason
So beautiful🎉 the sled looks great too!
You know it’s going to be high class when he uses nickels not penneys to raise the miter bar💰 Awesome video and beautiful sled man!
New to your chase Alma. I watch sewer videos already. You're amazing guy. You have a lot of knowledge up in their head and you know how to convert things. We have the proper tools to make it easy. So enjoy! Thank you! I'll watch more videos. Barry
One sled to rule them all. One sled to find them. One sled to bring them all, and in the sawdust bind them.
You have some amazing skills, my friend! Also, using MDF for the sled makes that a very heavy sled! Love your Videos!
I love all the arriving running thing. It never ceases to crack me up.
I really appreciate that you rounded the corners to prevent snagging. I always have this problem in the shop and I think the people at urgent care are getting suspicious.
Don't know how I'm just seeing this video, but this sled is AMAZING!!! I would buy one for sure!
It’s beautiful. And probably weighs a ton. I ended up making very small, medium, and mega sizes to save my back. Also used plywood rather than MDF to reduce weight.
Side note: a short video on starting the corner of the double sided carpet tape would be a hit. You've obviously got that nailed.
That is the coolest sled I've ever seen. I've learned a lot watching you, I have a small shop and build things as a side hobby..... I'm retired and enjoy life. Thank you for your videos