
Unpopular opinion: 
There is no „waste“ of paint when you’re doing art. 

Even pieces you are unhappy with are teaching you what mistakes you did or what you didn’t like so you can avoid it in the future.


"They like doing it cause they like doing it"
"It's not a waste of talent" 
Periodt sis


I love that Rae understands the struggles of artists who can’t afford really nice, name brand art supplies I think it makes the channel so much more relatable


Unpopular opinion: Watercolour is hella underrated. I think it looks stunning, but more importantly, it’s so hard to control pigment, blending and where the paint actually goes. Credit to watercolour artists out there.


"You dont have to draw in your sketchbook" and "you dont have to draw everyday to be an artist"


unpopular opinion: using reference photos is not making the art "less yours" or it's not "cheating". you don't have less talent if you use reference photos


Unpopular opinion: You have no obligation to get "better" at art to keep doing it. Most artists want to get better, and people naturally improve at things they do over and over again, but if you're happy drawing stick figures and never getting beyond that – that's okay too.


I’m so happy to hear someone calling people out with not following an artist career path! I can’t count how many times people have told me I’m wasting my talent by not going to art school 😂


I agree with every point that you've made.

Unpopular opinion: Art is literally everywhere: design choice, construction, materials, etc. Architecture, clothing, furniture, kitchen appliances, all of it is art!


Unpopular opinion: Don’t compare more abstract art with realistic art, both of them have different standards and goals. It’s rude and illogical to compare two art pieces in terms of how good it is when the application of creativity is different.


As a british person i am happy that you like tea


In my art class, I had to watch a documentary and it said realism isn’t just the place or object you’re trying to recreate, but rather it’s how the artist sees it. A landscape for example, when you’re drawing or painting it, you have to pay attention to detail and make decisions based on what your own eyes see, what details you include or exclude. Especially if you take your own reference photo or drawing from life, you’re making it from your own perspective, from the angle you saw it in, and paying attention to composition


Unpopular opinion: In one of my art classes we're focusing on recreating famous painters art, such as Pablo Picasso. We're being graded on how well we replicate his style. Personally, I think that while it's good to learn about different painters techniques and it can be very helpful in understanding different processes we shouldn't just be duplicating their styles. We should instead be learning from their techniques to help us create our own art with our own unique styles, instead of just copying what someone already did.


Unpopular opinion: digital are IS real art. However, it IS still a tool just like a ruler or a collection of high quality paints. Meaning, if you have the means to make digital art you're at an advantage in terms of being able to make the best version of your art


My controversial art opinion is that tracing has its benefits. Early on it taught me to get my lines right and perfect shapes by seeing where I was off and what needed improvement.


"Some artists hold their art so near to their heart, they don't want to share it with the world"- I think I feel the same way about my poems and snippets of songs? They are just so personal that I feel they would be someone else's if I post them online/put them out. I have things I want to share, but some are just very close to the heart to share, it almost feels like a breach of privacy


unpopular opinion: any piece of art is beautiful no matter how "realistic" or "good" it looks- anything that someone pours their heart and soul into creating is beautiful and unique in its own way


I'm a digital artist that always gets told that what I do isn't real art and it was made by the computer and I did "nothing" so I am glad you believe art comes in many different ways


Here’s a sort of unpopular opinion

Art is not just drawing, it could be dance, cooking, photography, editing 
I do all of these things, and the definition Rae read is spot on to why I do all those things.


My biggest unpopular opinion about art is that animators are so under appreciated and not recognized enough for their talents.